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My P.B Mangrove Jack.


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I thought I'd better tell my side of the story that is floating around

in the Freshwater forum as a lead in to Slinkys' Cod thread.

Our Cod trip was booked for during the week 3/12/12.

Of course Outdoordan had to come up early for a meeting to make a plan. :1gathering:

After way too many beers & some locally sourced T bones for dinner we decided to rig

heavy & see if we could nail a bull shark.

I played silly buggers & said I'd catch one on my cod rod!

With a very ugly knot, esky, mullet fillets, gaff & wobbly boots we headed for the long

hike to the river. It seemed so much further than 20 mtrs. :074:

I lobbed my massive bait out into a likely spot. I held that rod for all of 2 beers,

felt a hit & then weight.

The only way to get a jack out of his home is to smack him so I wound that hard the

poor fish surfed up to me & was poled onto the landing beside me. It never had a chance!

Not very sporting but very bloody funny & I'll take it. Hey, Dan caught bugger all! :drunk:

51cm's & in great condition over 2kg's.



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Congratulations Grant on your brutal PB :thumbup::thumbup:

To accomplish this in your own backyard makes it even more spectacular.

Being able to wet a line in your own backyard and to catch classy fish like that is the envy of all fishos!

Nice work and keep it up.

All the best.


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......Cracka Jack!!.... :074: LOVE IT!!! What a gem!

Congratulations on your well earned PB, mate!! Such finesse methods used, too! :074:Terrific fish, Grant!! They taste bloody good, too!!! My brother often brings them home for the table in Darwin ....... just bakes them whole & peels the skin off ........ tender as!!

Slinky is right - it probably DID choke to death! :biggrin2:



Edited by Roberta
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Thank you all for the nice comments & please keep them coming! :074:

I reckon it's a classic example of fishing Karma.

I have fished all sorts of methods, been smoked more times than

I will admit & after all these years thought I had found my bogey species.

Not any more! :thumbup:

I have a new plan & my 'innovative' knot is not one of them!



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