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Forster / Tuncurry Fishing Report


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Forster Tuncurry report

Spent this week up at Forster / Tuncurry

As always a very amazing place would love to live here, also a great fishing spot as well.

This week was not the best fishing as previous years but still some good moments. With 6 days fishing spent allot of time with the kids fishing.

Usually see very large bream in the water along all the wharfs and jetties but this week just standard size bream nearly everywhere. Not sure where all the big ones are hiding. But there is some very large mullet and luderick in the waters very fussy don't know how you can even tempt one. Ended up with many bream/flathead.

Had a good fight on light tackle on a golden trevally which I managed to catch as I had the chance to run around the island to recover some line as I was about to get spooled. He went close to 50cm, very large and the photo attached doesn't give it justice.

I had a second chance on an even larger one because I saw it doing zig zags in the water at amazing speeds I was no match as he got to run around some weeds and busted me off. It was amazing to see such big fish in shallow water and was surprised that his even inside the lake. This is Forster which always has surprises. Couple of years ago I actually caught a queen fish inside the lake.

Around the seafood wharf I threw out a live just under the wharf, was not expecting much except maybe a large flathead, within 20 minutes I had a massive run I couldn't even hold the rod when I saw something come up to the surface and it was an eagle ray. This thing was massive and unstoppable probably one of the strongest fish I have encountered and quick compared to standard stingrays. But hr managed to pull the hook. I'm glad I got to see it at least so I don't have to think what got away.

I had 3 other bust offs around the wharfs due to being allot of pylons around Forster and having short rod doesn't help.

Also tried some beach fishing near the large sand dune which was fun I wish I did more beach fishing ended up with a salmon, bream, dart fish, flathead.

I never get to fish the break wall near the opening due to spending most of the time with the kids but would love to try it next time for the large jewfish.

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Sounds like you had a good holiday Power Fisher. The trevally is a great fish to catch from the shore - fish like that will give you memories for a long time. I am not sure its a golden, am sure another raider will help you with a positive ID.

Merry Christmas,

The Poacher

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Well done, PF - so glad you got into some exciting fishing here in Forster! Great back yard to have! thumbup.gif

Yes, I have seen an increase in Trevally in the lake - I was surprised last year when i caught a juvenile Samson Fish - I thought I had the Bream from Hell on!

Your 'zig zag' fish may even have been a giant herring - a family of those have taken residence in the shallows as well - I got busted off by one doing aerial acrobatics last year! I still had my drag done up too tight from fishing the racks! wacko.gif

cheers & merry Xmas - the place will go beserk as of Boxing day - probably 10,000+ people coming to town!! 1yikes.gif


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Hi Powerfisher,

Nice report! You found some good fish and had a great time doing it.

For the trevally, i'm not convinced it's a golden. Golden's have those big, blubbery lips. Hard to tell from the photo but either a small bludger trevally or Gold-Spot trevally.

Either way a top catch! Well done :thumbup:

Cheers, Tom

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Sounds like you had a good holiday Power Fisher. The trevally is a great fish to catch from the shore - fish like that will give you memories for a long time. I am not sure its a golden, am sure another raider will help you with a positive ID.

Merry Christmas,

The Poacher

Thanks Mate

And well done yourself on the kingfish and Large bonito

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Hi Powerfisher,

Nice report! You found some good fish and had a great time doing it.

For the trevally, i'm not convinced it's a golden. Golden's have those big, blubbery lips. Hard to tell from the photo but either a small bludger trevally or Gold-Spot trevally.

Either way a top catch! Well done :thumbup:

Cheers, Tom

It is a hard one Tom, your right it could be a different kind of species but definitely not the normal silver trevally i catch in sydney as this did have all the gold fins, tail, and it did have blubbery lips abit as well. but no big black spot.

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Well done, PF - so glad you got into some exciting fishing here in Forster! Great back yard to have! thumbup.gif

Yes, I have seen an increase in Trevally in the lake - I was surprised last year when i caught a juvenile Samson Fish - I thought I had the Bream from Hell on!

Your 'zig zag' fish may even have been a giant herring - a family of those have taken residence in the shallows as well - I got busted off by one doing aerial acrobatics last year! I still had my drag done up too tight from fishing the racks! wacko.gif

cheers & merry Xmas - the place will go beserk as of Boxing day - probably 10,000+ people coming to town!! 1yikes.gif


Thanks Roberta

your right about it getting busy, on friday before I left I couldnt even find parking anymore :).

It is the best back yard to have :) Stunning place.

You might be right about the fish that was doing Zig Zags because I have never seen a fish so fast it was like teleporting from one place to another :). I would love to catch one, but i think it will be no match on light tackle.

Even you catching a samoson fish is amazing in the shallows. Keep us updated on the fish catches in the future.


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