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Great morning on Botany Bay..


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With the 18 month old in Childcare and stuck with the 4 year old, decided it was a great day to fish. Planned to be on the water at 8am, ended up at 10:15am due to parental responsibilities and leaving the boat key at home, d'oh!!!! Picked up some nippers and prawns and dropped the first bait in the water on my daughter's tiny (about 60cm rod) pink combo. Straight away we were into it, the pink rod doing all the damage with a couple of nice whiting and a bream. Lost 2 of the whiting due to them escaping from the keeper net!!!! Oooops! Anyhow, same drift and landed another nice whiting, leatherjacket and flathead. A great mixed bag, happy daughter and wife about to come home to fresh fish, salad and chips! Happy times......


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well done. :clapping:

I was on the bay today and apart from a few taylor on HB's we got nothing.

I couldnt sniff a flattie out today or last sunday. :mad3:

Anyone having any luck with the kings?

The water temp definitely felt a few degrees down from a few days ago.

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G'day Mutt,

You certainly put in the effort. It's real hard to organise a fishing trip when you have two young kids, but you did it and got a great reward for it.

Mate that's a fair fan-bellied leatherie you got there.

Where did you score that ?

I have never seen one in the bay...


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Thanks Tony, we caught the leatherjacket drifting back towards Captain Cook bridge from the opening to the Bay. I used to always catch them at Port Hacking so didn't realise they were a bit of a rarity.

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Well done, I'm doing my best to get my kids into fishing, at 1st I had to get them maccas on the way to the ramp, and take them to a park after... But slowly there common round.

Hardest thing is explaining why we can't "eat" the under sized fish.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Hey Tony , where he got the fan-bellied jacket i have caught heaps , just on the turn of the tide ,when the run slows down.

Mate I seriously need to pick your brain about a few things in the river and bay.

Few people would know what you know about this neck of the woods and in fact many other woods as well.

I have not seen a fan-belly leatherjacket since I was a blond 10-year-old peering into the wonderland under the wharf at Rushcuters Bay...

One day we gotta catch up.....


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Great your daughter enjoyed it! I get my little ones out in the kayak in Terrigal, Wambie and Avoca lagoons, but now they can swim are more interested in jumping off into the water and climbing back on, not so much the fishing these days... But they go beserk when I say we are fishing on the kayak and then the better half can't argue with that; bullet proof fishing excuse!

Well done on the catch!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have not seen a fan-belly leatherjacket since I was a blond 10-year-old peering into the wonderland under the wharf at Rushcuters Bay...

One day we gotta catch up.....


yeah me neither, as a kid we used to get really nice size ones off the admiral's yatch wharf and around the wharves in kiribilli.

Havent seen one for years.

Are fan bellied jackets the same as fan tail?

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