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Follow Lance Armstrong Interview LIVE on Oprah


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Wait for part 2 tomorrow - that is when he will turn on the tears for the sympathy vote ....... NOT!!!

He was many people's hero. My husband looked up to him BIGTIME during his own cancer struggle - and it turns out now that he was doing testosterone & cortisone etc when he was doing triathlon & biking BEFORE he was diagnosed with cancer, so maybe it even contributed to his cancer?

WHat I can't condone is that he crucified anyone who went against his word that he had NOT done drugs - and their lives were ruined.

He still doesn't accept that he has been found 'positive' with tests, as they were retrospective!! That just means his coverup was more sophisticated than the tests were!

He doesn't accept that he is a cheat - even after explaining what a cheat is?? HELLOOO?

He refuses to say if what Betsy Andreu accused him of was true. Blankly refuses to answer! You have to be suspicious of that. He ruined her & her husband's lives in cycling forever!

He should be in Jail. He has been very cunning & only 'come out with it' after the statue of limitations had passed (he had lied to a federal court under oath) so they cannot charge him & put him in jail. Maybe they should change that to retrospective too. Wipe the smile from his face.

Marion Jones is the only one who has been jailed as she too lied under oath, but 'found god' & felt the need to confess, without waiting for the statute of limitations to pass! I don't even think Ben Johnson wasn't jailed - he hadn't lied under oath (plus he was Canadian, not US!)

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i agree, hes a cheat, BUT while racing he never tested positive. what about this as an example,

nrl has now banned the shoulder charge, does that mean they should go back in histroy and place bans or suspensions for anyone who has ever done it?

long bow to draw, but whilst racing he never tested positive, simple as that, yes he is a cheat, yes he broke the rules, but he never got caught while racing..........

i think the guy is a tosser personally, but i find this debate far to good to ever keep out of.

they should make a division for dopers and one for people who are natural. make the fines and penalites extreme if you are caught doping in the natural class....

they should do that with the olympics too.......

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.......they should make a division for dopers and one for people who are natural. make the fines and penalites extreme if you are caught doping in the natural class....

Now THAT is a good idea!! But they would still enter the 'naturals' even tho they were doped cos they know they would win it!

....nrl has now banned the shoulder charge, does that mean they should go back in histroy and place bans or suspensions for anyone who has ever done it?.....

No - but at least the video shows that the offence DID occur and as it is a visual thing, easy to see if it happens again, now it is banned.

Having 'not been tested positive' during his racing career (in his eyes - whilst others have said that he HAD) really doesn't come into it. In the early days, they were only ever tested out of competition, on specific days. It was never done at random ie during training or when racing. They made sure they were 'clean' for those tests cos they knew when it was going to happen. If they hadn't kept samples from all 7 tours, they still wouldn't have proof.

That is a bit like saying you didn't steal - because you'd already spent the proceeds? ie no evidence left to see. Wrong! He systemically made his team mates use the stuff too so they could keep up with him and lie about it. He accepted money/prizes under false pretences ie fraud!

The companies that made the stuff were obviously better at making it & administering it than the authorities were at detecting it. Perhaps there were payments being made to the testers (and we know that he DID make BIG payments to them) that went to the actual 'testers' to fake the results? That is entirely possible.

His credibility is blown & will never be trusted again. Like Tiger Woods & other famous cheaters - they thought that they were SO FAMOUS as to be able to scare people from telling the truth!

There is talk of cycling being taken out of the olympics now!!

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Is there any other news that affects us? lol

Yes he got caught cheating, but the way they are carrying on about it and dragging it out, someone else is makin a hell of a lot of profit out of it.

Ignore him, he will go away and we can all move on.

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......but the way they are carrying on about it and dragging it out, someone else is makin a hell of a lot of profit out of it.....

Nah - He was the one that made the profit out of it - BIGTIME! He really deserves whatever he gets (including being charged with the use of illegal drugs, the life ban & paying back what he stole from others who should have won) - as he ridiculed the truth and the truth tellers for so long, he actually believed it himself, I think! Trouble is - most of the best riders pre 2005 were on it - not that that condones it - it just shows they too were weak natured & 'followed the leader' - who was Lance Armstrong. He still really doesn't 'get it'! He thinks he's been really hard done by as others (who dobbed on him & confessed) were only banned for 'x' years, not a lifetime - and he still expects this to be turned around so he can go back to competing.

It is someone else's turn to win now - hopefully, clean!

They reckon the sport is clean now - what do YOU think?

It is only when they give big penalties ie life bans (or massive fines, or both!) that people will seriously think about not engaging in cheating (or dangerous behaviour in contact sports) - in all sports where there is big money to be made.

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I would hope so. I've been in a fishing comp where I couldn't catch a cold & a buddy (not in the comp) had caught a nice bream & offered it to me (in jest - he said he would toss it to me, so I could truthfully say that I had caught it LOL) - but I could have accepted it! I am pleased to say, I had an honorable doughnut than a dishonorable catch.

Winning really isn't everything - it is how you play the game. People won't remember you for coming 5th, 10th or 110th - but they will remember you - if you cheat! Cards, horse racing, boxing, school exams - no difference! It is just NOT worth it.

Edited by Roberta
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They reckon the sport is clean now - what do YOU think?

i reckon the sport is cleaner now than it has been, the blood/ biological passport that shows any inconsistencies in the blood over a period of time has changed things. The average speeds of the peleton over the last couple of years has slowed down a bit and the bottom to top time of climbs has increased as well.

as for Lance, surely he cannot be taken seriously and allowed to compete, and if he does it has no credibility anyway.

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....the blood/ biological passport ..... That sounds good. Is this only for the Pros, or everyone - just for the Tour de France, or every race that pays big money? When did they start that?

Yep - that should work - or get the opposition's doctor checking for puncture marks, etc - it would be in their best interest & if they were doing it, would know where to look for the unusual injection sites ........ if anyone is still going down the injection route.

Maybe it is time to just go back to racing as individuals - and then it is up to riders to form their own alliances in the race - and after assisting each other in the difficult bits - the best man who has the endurance/speed crosses the line first. THey would lose a lot of prize money tho, I think.

I just hope that Cadel Evans & Bradley Wiggins are clean! Cadel especially (Wiggins already has a formerly disgraced drug doc on his team! ??) I would be very sad if Cadel came up dirty.

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Winning really isn't everything - it is how you play the game. People won't remember you for coming 5th, 10th or 110th - but they will remember you - if you cheat! Cards, horse racing, boxing, school exams - no difference! It is just NOT worth it.

i guess thats where we differ in views, if youre going to compete in something, you want to be the best, you want to win, if you can get any advantage over your rivals you'd take it.... im not saying you should cheat, but you dont win silver, you lose gold

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The bloke is a cheat and a criminal. It's not just about the racing it's also about the millions of dollars he has received because he's a lying cheat! He should get jail time and all his assets seized and sold off and the money given to the charity he was supposed to be promoting. Before anyone says that his wife and family will suffer remember they have been living the high life on his ill gotten gains and no one can tell me that his wife didn't know what he was doing.

Regards Jeff

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