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A good feed but a bit jiggley


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Went out in the mates boat with a view to mixing with some of the palagics that have been reported in the harbour and startred well with a couple of tailor around Grotto.

The harbour was pretty rough and got a nice bonito at North Head only to lose it when our lines tangled partly due to the choppy conditions.

Strange to say the conditions outside did not look too bad, and when we cleared the southern Manly headland it was better than in the harbour.


Went out to our mark off DY and got a few fish, a couple of nice mowies and some nice blue spot flathead, also got a few marbled flathead only just keeper size but I do not think there is any legal size for them. Dusky are 36cm and Bluespot and Tiger 33cm but there is no mention of Marbled flathead in the rules, however I always return them less than about 36cm if they are going to survive and these were all 34-35cm.

Then spent some time chasing some working fish out wide, probably stripies but they ignored out Xmas trees and the pounding of the boat sent them down before we could cast into them.

Headed home about lunchtime and picked up one bonito at North head.

Got a nice feed and enjoyed the day.


Edited by saltrix
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