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Getting Geed Up for when this crappy weather is over


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G'day Raiders

With the crappy weather over the Australia Day long weekend, I haven't had a chance to get the yak wet once which is quite depressing.

I have however been Geeing myself up with a few of my favourite videos (below) and will be sure to hit the water when things clear up!

Note: Everything is always cooler in slow motion and with sound effects. Kayak fishing isn't glamorous!

Paddlefield 2 -

Paddlefield 1 -

White Sea Bass Fishing from Hobie Mirage Revolution -

(I have seen better videos since, but this is the one that got me into kayak fishing)

Hobie Fishing and FastLaneSC Slay Cedrox MX -

Sailing to Catalina Island the Hobie Adventure Island Way -

(All the boys will be getting an Adventure Island in the near future and a trip like this is on the cards)

Expedition - The Old Man and the Sea - http://vimeo.com/51561987 (Three men embark on a Hemingway like adventure in search of Marlin)

I See Real Wild Red - Kayak Snapper Fishing -

(Love the double hookup and how he manages his system. Big fan of snapper too so some inspiration to get out there in the future)

Me with a Rat King on the Line -

(Crappy video I know but a reminder that I need to get my GoPro sorted lol)




Edited by Paul
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Don't you LOVE Josh's Videos? I've fished with most of his buddies at South West Rocks!! Holger is going up there this week to join the troops!

That is INSANE snapper fishing!! INCREDIBLE!

Your kingie vid was short but sweet tho!!



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