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Micro Mulloway, smaller not bigger


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Via text on Sunday night with the missus overseas:

Miss: Hey there, how are you?

Nibbles: #coldwetnakedintaree

M: Haha, what on earth?

N: I went fishing and forgot a towel.

M: So why are you naked?

N: It’s a bit wet here, everything got soaked.

M: And why are you in Taree?

N: I thought the fish might be biting.

M: Oh, I heard there was a bit of weather. It’s wet here too, just 3 degrees instead of 22. River fishing or sea fishing?

N: Where the two meet.

M: Can I see a picture?

N: Sweetheart it’s so small you don’t want to see a picture. I’ll send a pic when it’s bigger.

M: Of the fish…..

N: Oh, the fish, sure….


M: So cute, he’s tiny. But I thought you were chasing bigger fish this year?

N: So did I.

M: What did he eat?

N: A banana prawn jerk shad.

M: It looks like one of those plastic things in the pic. Anything else?

N: A few flathead.


M: And what were they eating?

N: Lime tigers.

M: Lime tigers? Is chasing a big fish like chasing the dragon?

N: I’ve never chased the dragon. But maybe.

M: You’re dripping wet, naked in a car hours from home, it’s pouring and pitch black I imagine, and you’re talking fluorescent predators via text with me. Fantasy or reality?

N: I get confused too.

M: Find some clothes before the cops find you, drive safe, and send me a pic when it’s bigger.

N: Really?

M: A bigger fish.



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Funny stuff mate! When are we going to have another cast? Maybe you can show me how to get the elusive Jew? You have gone pretty good on them!

Whenever you're keen. Will try my hardest but i'm only just starting to figure it out. Baby steps......

did anyone else read that as cold naked in a tree?

Too many lime tigers?

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