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4 Fish in 4 Casts

Central Coast Fisherman

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Last night my wife and I managed to some how get the kids to bed early. The wife decided she was going to do Uni work for a few hours so I thought "stuff it i'm going fishing".

I got down to Terrigal around 9. When I got there an old bloke was just leaving. He had only caught one Tailor so I wasn't too confident. I was targeting bream using strips of Frigate mackeral I had caught a few weeks ago. In an hour of fishing this is how it went:

First cast:

I cast out and within a few minutes I feel bump bump and then bang i'm onto a good fish. I was using 10lb braid with 20lb leader just incase there were tailor around. After a short battle/scull drag I pulled in a 38cm bream which was very fat. I was pretty excited as I haven't caught a bream that big for a while.

While carrying the bream back to my gear he kicked and his gills cut my thumb right down to the bone. Ouch that hurt. After applying pressure for 5 mins there was no sign of the bleeding stopping so I quickly went back to the car to get my first aid kit and sorted myself out. 20 mins after catching the bream I was ready for cast number two.

Second cast:

I cast out and again after only a few minutes I feel bump bump and then bang i'm on again. After another short fight I pulled in a 29cm bream.

Third cast:

Same thing only this time I pull in a 34cm bream.

Fourth cast:

Again after only a few minutes im onto another good fish. This time it was a 35cm bream. This bream had the hook very securely in the corner of his mouth. As I got it out I bent the hook slightly but thought it was still ok to use.

Fifth cast:

Cast out, after a few minutes got some big bumps but didn't manage to hook the fish. Upon inspection of the hook I realised I hadn't hooked the fish due to it being bent. So a quick change of hook and I was ready again.

Sixth cast:

It took a little longer to get a bite this time but when I did I hooked the fish and it took off on a big long run. I thought I may have hooked something really good. After a 10 minute fight I finally got a look at it.. a big sting ray. Bumper!!

After that the tide had come up to far to keep fishing so I decided to call it a night. It was one of the most exciting fishing sessions I've had for a while. I caught 4 good bream in only 6 casts and in one hour!! If only all fishing sessions were that good! Needless to say I went home with a big smile on my face.

Sorry no pics.



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Nice work mate! Off the rocks or beach? I haven't had much luck from the beach there for couple of sessions now. But went snorkelling off the haven last weekend and saw some cracker fish, however, none were interested in bait or lure...

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I was fishing off the rocks in the haven. The tide was pretty high so I could only fish about half way out to the point. I was just throwing out between the point and the furthest boat.

I went for a quick spin for frigates yesterday arvo but no luck. There was atleast 25 people spinning for them and I only saw 2 caught so it was a pretty slow afternoon. Luckily ive still got a few fillets in the freezer for bait.



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