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A newbie and a special day


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Hi all, I've been lurking on this forum for a while soaking up advice, just wanted to say thanks and introduce myself.

I grew up catching perch and pike in a place called lake Annecy on what seems a different planet. Have had timber boats for many years but only recently rediscovered how much I love fishing - after a short, hmmm 25 years interruption!

So bought a couple of el cheapo rods (in particular a "nice" $55 12 footer from BCF) and am slowly learning how to catch fish properly. I prefer to go at night when the kids are in bed (if fishing without them that is).

Now tomorrow is a very special day, because this year equinox high springs (10:40pm king tide) lines up with a full moon. This should be good if my old country's lore is anything to go by.

If you happen to be surf-side South of the Narrabeen lagoon exit after 10:30pm, I'm the guy with a big red bucket and more keen than skills. Say hi!

Here are some tidbits you might be interested in:

- 15 mins walk from Darling Harbour, Musumeci at the Fish Market sells beautiful eating quality pillies at $9.99 a kilo i.e. cheaper than servo bait. Perfect lunch time dash. They give ice too.

- Flint & Steel beach (20 min. bush walk from Kuringai road) has 2 perfect ledges on the sides of the beach with no surf and no snag. My 6 year old caught a gummy as big as him there last month!

- The back of Northbridge marina is a fantastic bream and tailor spot at high tide (at night anyway) when the water is clear. Fish on the drop as close as possible to the wharves with fresh prawns & lumo beads.

That's about as much contribution this newbie can make. I'll report back on tomorrow's result...

Fair strikes!
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