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I love eating chips and catching fish...


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Its only illegal to take your boat inside the yellow markers near the runway

The only people the cops were interested in was this mob in a blow up boat. They were cruising inside the yellow markers and when the cops came to have a "chat" they actually tried to do a runner!!!..... hahahah


Edited by dhype
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The only people the cops were interested in was this mob in a blow up boat. They were cruising inside the yellow markers and when the cops came to have a "chat" they actually tried to do a runner!!!..... hahahah


You can't be serious?! Haha! They must not be thinking straight

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Awesome report! Wish I had that kinda luck! I've never fished that exact area so no idea if you're allowed to fish or not but a quick Google search came up with something that's old but may make you not want to fish there anyway..! Obviously this is from years ago but the page has been updated in 2011 so you'd think there would still be some concern about this area... Anyway, food for thought! haha

"Penrhyn Estuary: In 2006, a human health risk assessment completed on the Penrhyn Estuary area (at the eastern end of Foreshores Beach) found that the exposure risks from contamination within the estuary to swimming and/or consuming fish exceeded designated levels and were determined to be unsafe. Subsequently, the NSW Department of Primary Industries gazetted a fishing ban in the Penryhn Estuary. In conjunction with Orica, DECC installed new warning signage at Penrhyn Estuary, replacing older advisory signs placed by Council. This ban and associated signage are still in operation."


Looks like it was great fun either way! I have one of those little Halcos but I've never given it a go.. might have to get it wet next time I'm out in the yak!



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You now have let the secret out... a lot of times I was wondering why those boats were flying pass the fish schools that cruise around just between the boat ramp and the new dock…I have lunch break there nearly every day and I reckon I saw you a couple of times.


Edited by ABCfisho
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hey trung that bottom photo looks like a traglin to me the tail is concaved and jew have a convexed tail!!Was the inside of its mouth yellow?

great haul whatever it is!


Hey Pete

I think you are right! I never noticed till you mentioned it... looking at the tail and the coloration of the fins the second "jew" does indeed look like a trag! Sharp set of eyes you have!!

I cannot recall what the inside of the fish was as I gave the entire haul to my mum... I dot each much fish... I just like catching the darn thing!


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