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Boat eye replacement


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Hi everyone

Im going to try and explain this the best i can!

The eye ( i think its called ) the part where you hook the winch up to wind the boat up the trailer has dislodged. By dislodged i mean that the bottom part of the eye has pulled out of the fiberglass by only about 2 millimeters. Still however its out.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix or possibly where to get it fixed and how much something like this would cost.

And MOST IMPORTANTLY how does this even happen.

Thanks guys.

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thanks guys ill get a pic up as soon as possible, and i was not going to attempt a home job just want to know what i was talking about before i go to get fixed so i dont get the run around.

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The eye on fibreglass boats could have been installed many different ways due to differences between makers and the size of the boat. Small boats could have a U bolt simply glassed in, sometimes even without a sandwich plate on the back. Others have a substantial block glassed into the vessel structure, passing all the way through and anchored to a sandwich plate before being sprayed with flow coat.

If one end of the eye has come out then either it has broken free or it's bent or it's rusted through and broken. I don't think it will be as simple a repair as first thought if the job is done properly. The old eye has to be removed and the area rebuilt if there is internal damage. Hopefully on a small boat it is simply a matter of cutting off the old eye, heating the ends to pull them out or pushing them through. The bigger the boat the more complicated the repair and a few hours involved to fix and finish nicely.

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  • 4 months later...

As you guys can probably tell I haven't use the boat for a while, I attached a pic of the problem. Is it possible that if I tighten the bolts on the inside It could fix the problem???

Thanks in advance guys


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I've seen a few boats like that at the ramps over the years, it's not uncommon on older boats. I would undo the nuts and take off the backing plate and pull it through. Check the area where it comes out and if there is no obvious sign off damage put a bigger backing plate on and a new u/ring.


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And MOST IMPORTANTLY how does this even happen.

Fibreglass not reinforced enough in that area. Backing plate too small or pulling too much pressure on that lug when winching the boat. Any or a combination of those will do it. It could also happen while the boat is on that trailer travelling and you have too much pressure on the winch.

Tightening it up will close up the gap and make it look better but I think the fibreglass is pulling through so it will eventually get worse if you do that. It doesn't look too bad yet, so you could put on a larger backing plate that will spread the area more where the pressure is applied. Tighten it up and it should be good.

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