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Evening Session At Iron Cove 6/8/05


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Well after my 13yr old daughters birthday party a sleep over with 4 new teenage girls I needed a break from the giggling laughing and greenday at full volume. I know the tides were not what I would like but headed off at about 3:30pm to Iron Cove.

Got there and tide was rising but had a long way to go.

Started chuckeing watermelon 3 " hawgs damn near dredged the edge of the river for no fish. after about 3.5 hrs of tossing lures also tried small single tail and a squidgie then back to 3" hawg I was resigned to a no fish outing and as it was dark and cold I was about to call it quits when I finally came up solid on a whiting of 36cm(sorry no pics yet) a new personal best :1clap: The fish hit the hawg real close to shore and then zig zagged out tacking drag. but after that no real fight at all. I walked a bit further fanning out casts and then had a good take on the lure. The fish came straight to the water surface and went for a short fast run which made me think it was a tailor as I was retrieving a little fast but nope a flathead of 38.5 cm.

I decided to keep fishing following this success I had one good hook up that swam straight out from the shore but lost it.

Only two fish but both good fish and am I happy with a PB whiting on SP You bet I am.

Cheers and good luck 2mro at the salmon social all.


mmmmmmMMMM now 4 a nice :beersmile:

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Guest fishrunner

Good on ya Trev,

Good whiting, there seems to be quite a few in iron cove. Don't know if they get any bigger then 36cm as it's the same size as my pb whiting on plastics, which also came out of ironcove :wacko: .

Well done again :thumbup:

cheers brad

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