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F. Fishing Advice For Trip To Brisbane


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My trip to Brisbane is on schedule and I am to arrive in Brisbane in mid. september, work one week and then fly fish the rest. I am planning to bring the following:

1. 6wt with intermediate and 8 wt. with floating and intermediate line.

2. 10 wt with a 300 grain sinking line + shooting basket.

3. hard monofilament for tying leaders and flies.

4. forcepts for removing hook.

5. hook hone

I don't have any experience f. fishing salt and I would appreciate if anyone could point out anything important I could have missed. I've heard it's warm enough so I won't need waders(?) so I won't bring any.

I would like to try the Caloundra region for the bream but I would like to try for other species as well.

Is fishing better heading north or south (also the scenery) and what would you recommend. I still have some time but I'll be leaving town for 3 weeks at the end of the week. Any recommendations for places to stay and tackle shop as well?

I am looking forward to fishing larger fish which will actually pull out the drag :)



ps. any fly suggestions will be appreciated.

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The bream here in Caloundra are all but finished now. There will still be a few here & there in September but the good news is that the Flathead are starting to show & generally peak in September. Can't make recommendations for Flatty flies sorry never targetted them with fly. Bring the basket here for sure its all wading & casting.

Could well be some Big Eye Trevally & GT's around by then also depending on the weather. If you want a fish up here get in touch with me a bit closer to the date & we'll sort something out.

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I am also heading up to Brisbane for 2 weeks in 3 weeks and then further north after Brissy, (looking forward to it Beefa) keep posting and let us know how you go with the fly Auhj2. Cheers.

Forgot to ask, if the Bream are of there Ken, will the Snapper also be of, or are they coming on now? Thanks again, knaps

Edited by knapers
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I will get in touch with you in september before I leave and I could use a good service too. I'll bring some basic tying materials and tie some flies during the off-time. I am really looking forward to exploring the oceans and its fishes and have walking and exploring and fun casting.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Ken:

I just got back from a trip and am getting ready for my Australia trip; I will be leaving here next friday and will be staying first week at Brisbane for work and the second week is flexible for me. I am looking forward to seeing the ocean and catching some fish. Could you send me the contact information so I could contact you when I get there. We're having drought this year and the place I visited recently also had drought and it will be nice to see a lot of water for a change!

Also, a friend overseas told me hearing report of some micro organisms in the waters off Australia including Brisbane and one should be careful go into the water (he is a biologist). Have you heard of any warnings like this?



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Hi Ken:

Could you send me the contact information so I could contact you when I get there.


Your shit out of luck Ted! Ken is in the procress of movint to Taree in the north of NSW! :wacko:

Also, a friend overseas told me hearing report of some micro organisms in the waters off Australia including Brisbane and one should be careful go into the water (he is a biologist). Have you heard of any warnings like this?


And this sounds a bit like an urban myth!

Having said that, you may encounter Pelican Itch if you swin in laggons that don't open up to the ocean too often!

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Guest bluecod
Also, a friend overseas told me hearing report of some micro organisms in the waters off Australia including Brisbane and one should be careful go into the water (he is a biologist). Have you heard of any warnings like this?





Apart from pelican itch [like an annoying rash] that Joe has identified that is found generally in lagoons, still water etc, the micro organism your mate may have warned you about could be the irukandji jellyfish species found in the tropical waters north of Gladstone and are prolific between October and April


Some of these little blighters are no bigger than thumbnail size and have the potential to be fatal or at least put you in hospital for a while.

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I remember Ken saying he may be moving I guess that's fate. Now concerning those jelly fish is it advisable to wade in the 1. flats, 2. beaches with surf?

If so what precautions should I take and what do beach goers do. Do you feel comfortable wading. I sure would hate my fishing to be terminated by some jellyfish if they around.


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