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Botany Bay 10/8/05


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Fishraider member Tunofun “real name Brett” and I had been corresponding for a couple or 3 weeks about getting together for a fish on the bay and with Brett’s dad down from Queensland for a holiday we decided to have a shot today. Even with a strong wind warning current’ Brett and his dad were still as keen as mustard to have a go as was I :biggrin2: . We met at the cooks river boat ramp a little after 6.30am and were on the bay proper by 7am.

Brett with his 5.7 Quintrex


I must admit it bloody nice swanning around Botany in Brett’s beaut 5.7 Quintrex :biggrin2::thumbup: especially when the wind started churning up the bay latter that morning. The wind was puffing from the nor west early so we decided that tucking in behind Molineaux point would probably be the most comfortable option. After anchoring we got a burly of bread soaked in tuna oil going and using lightly weighted baits in the burly slick, it wasn’t long before I got a run that buried me in to the container wall :( which I think may have been a king. A little while later Brett’s dad caught a blurter of about 25cm, over the next 2 and a bit hours we caught a dozen trevally up to 32cm before the wind swung around to the south west and started blowing up to about 35 knots made the conditions almost impossible to fish with the boat sliding all over the place on the anchor rope. Next we headed over to the Noveatel to have a bit of a drift in close that got us out of the worst of the wind but the fish didn’t want to play so we called it a day. I would like to thank Brett for taking me for a fish’ he and his dad a top blokes and looking forward to our next trip together. Thanks again Brett :thumbup::thumbup:

The blurters we caught


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Nice catch,nice boat

I've got's to ask though,why would Queenslanders bother coming down here to fish in our cold,fish denuded ,neck of the woods?.Or did you guys get lost on the way to the GBR?, :074: .

I would have thought that having a crack at Golden,Giant ,Diamond or Great trevally would have been more thrilling then some of sydneys "Blurters".I am not having a go at you guys at all,just questioning the reason.


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Nice catch,nice boat

I've got's  to ask though,why would Queenslanders bother coming down here to fish in our cold,fish denuded ,neck of the woods?.Or did you  guys get lost  on the way to the GBR?, :074: .


Yeah couldnt agree more, lucky hes not here just for the fishing!!

Anyway had a great day, thanks for coming along kilkla, do it again soon.


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