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Browns Mountain Closure


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yea close the ocean too while thier at it, would love to see their faces if everyone got together and stopped paying for their fishing licence.

They just keep letting the pros keep more fish and blame us.

Fine keep the bag limit to two Gemies per person but drop the pros limit as well.

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Just make sure on September 7 you make your votes count and put Greens last and make sure party you vote for doesn't have preferences going to the Greens.

That's right unawares to most people the point system goes something like this depending on how many runners there is

1st choice - 6 points

2nd choice - 5 points

3rd choice - 4 points

4th choice- 3 points

5th choice - 2 points

6th choice - 1 point

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Lol, election time dont we love it. Ok, scratchie its funny u say that because for the whole blue eye/gemmy season in Sydney, fisheries were unseen.Usually they hover around in their big boat at a distance, then launch their inflatable of it and sneak up.

If they r serious on putting a closure on then they will police it. Their thought is the area is overfished by both pro and rec but it basically boils down to too many trailerboats now having access. Anyway there r better spots than browns 4 blue eye and other ooglies rays bream being one.

Groper, why blame the pros? They are entitled to fish and pay more for it than a rec. The dropliners have been hit hard by restrictions. How else do u get it in a shop? blackmarket? Yes im sure some do take more than their quota as do many recs.

Anyway I may be wrong. I wonder what Mr E.Brown would say now to how many people have been to his mountain?

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Lol, election time dont we love it. Ok, scratchie its funny u say that because for the whole blue eye/gemmy season in Sydney, fisheries were unseen.Usually they hover around in their big boat at a distance, then launch their inflatable of it and sneak up.

If they r serious on putting a closure on then they will police it. Their thought is the area is overfished by both pro and rec but it basically boils down to too many trailerboats now having access. Anyway there r better spots than browns 4 blue eye and other ooglies rays bream being one.

Groper, why blame the pros? They are entitled to fish and pay more for it than a rec. The dropliners have been hit hard by restrictions. How else do u get it in a shop? blackmarket? Yes im sure some do take more than their quota as do many recs.

Anyway I may be wrong. I wonder what Mr E.Brown would say now to how many people have been to his mountain?

Not Blaming the Pros mate, Im blaming the bloody fisheries, wernt they going let the pros catch unlimted flathead etc etc etc, whats wrong with these clowns, and when you see stuff like this you wonder what these pros are doing to get there qoutapost-8352-0-97099000-1377575574_thumb.jpg

Edited by Groper
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