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Shellharbour Snapper Trip


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I had promised an In law a trip out fishing while him and his family were down from the outback. The decision was made to take him out in search of snapper and to get a feed for him to take home. With me chasing tuna for the last few months i had not been out on the snapper and reefs for a fair while and was not confident in what was around.

So we launched at Shellharbour at about 7. First up we went for a bait catching session which was a bit slow but soon got him onto some trevally, yellowtail and squid. Then my brother in law started to se some fish surface so i tied on some small metal lures onto some light gear and told him to cast at them, 2nd cast and he was on. It didnt take long to get a few bonito for bait.

With the high tide change being at 915 i made the decision at about 830 to move on to get ourselves anchored and a burley trail going for the tide change at a nice little snapper spot. For the first hour after anchoring it was fairly slow and the other 3 on board started to get restless and talk started saying that we need to move. I pulled rank and said we cant move now as we didnt have time to get anchored and another trail going before the change was over. Good move. Within minutes from then we experienced a good bite lasting an hour or so.

First decent fish hooked i handed over to the guest and he pulled up a nice snapper.Than he hooked and landed another. Than His rod buckled over and he was in for a good fight landing a nice Gummy Shark. While i was landing that shark on one side of the boat my brother in laws rod buckles over on the other side and he is in for a good fight into another Gummy, While helping land that shark another rod buckles and the guest boats himself another snapper. This bite goes on for an hour or so and gradually became quite again.

So i think i made his trip down with 2 Gummy sharks, 7 snapper Ranging from 32cm- 49cm. Not huge fish but definitly a quality catch for eating purposes. Bigger of the gummy sharks went just under 15 KG


post-17313-0-95715700-1378628281_thumb.jpgBrother in law ( Rod ) with the 15kg gummy

post-17313-0-75857200-1378628345_thumb.jpgThe country boy ( andy ), Rod and Me just after landing the 2nd gummy, Still alive


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There are alot of gummys around at the moment. The snapper trips i have done this season i have got gummys on each session. I anchor and burley for snapper and fish with bait which i think is different to your recent snapper trips using plastics and drifting ( correct me if im wrong ) ? The anchor and burley is the key to regular gummy sharks. There is also a certain depth that they hang around in at the moment which is very specific. Also they are spawning at the moment so 1 of these sharks would have normally been released only that i had 4 different people on the boat that wanted a feed for there families.

I fish baits at all different depths at anchor, from the surface to the bottom. As groper mentioned the deep baits are the ones that hook the gummies.

I should also ad that with talk of kingies showing up thick on the 12 mile off syd, I went out to check if they had showed up at the Traps off port kembla. Found leatherjackets too thick but found a massive bait ball of yakkas also. So probably kings there but too hard to fish with so many jackets around.


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nice one! some very nice fish you got!

got to give that anchoring a go for those gummies, what sort of bait do you get them on?

Now I got spooled on my recent trip, was on one of my light rods, just a 2500 reel with 10lb line, it just wouldn't stop. Any chance you think that could have been a gummy? do they just keep on running until you turn their head?

Edited by quintrex480
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nice one! some very nice fish you got!

got to give that anchoring a go for those gummies, what sort of bait do you get them on?

Now I got spooled on my recent trip, was on one of my light rods, just a 2500 reel with 10lb line, it just wouldn't stop. Any chance you think that could have been a gummy? do they just keep on running until you turn their head?

Quintrex 480.

They do pull hard. Very good fighting compared to other sharks. Head shakes, Screaming fast runs. They do take some stopping even on fairly heavy gear.

Where you using bait? On that gear it would not suprise me if a gummy did that to you. Did you get really fast runs with some big head shakes in between runs ?


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nice fish well done, I drove past you at one point there, how good was the day? Tonnes of surface fish too.

Hi mate. Are you sure you went past me? Was i at anchor? Yeh it was a superb day until that unexpected southerly blew up and i was out at the traps off port by that time with a 15 km run heading straight back into it.

Yeh there were stripies surfacing out in 120 m too.

How did you go ?

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