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    coogee nsw

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  1. South of Forster 3 miles off Baldface near Smiths Lake has great bottom fish.Can be big current tho.Magnificent area up there.
  2. Good methods,Noelm.Flouring and refrigerating mowie boneles fillets for 3 days improves them out of sight.Snapper are best fresh imho,and dont improve like mowie.Mowie is very good for fish pie.
  3. Noel e m,your rig would use a l ot less fluorocarbon leader,just the 40 cm or so to the hook,rather than all down to the sinker.
  4. Humans not the only senescent ones........
  5. Thanks for various replies.Feel better about frying it now.
  6. What is the polite flathead release size?Kept a 62 cm blue spot having not had an outing or fish feed for a while.Cheers Wizz
  7. Good action in good weather.
  8. Good venturing Jim.I did the same Tuesday drifting in similar waters maybe a little deeper.Wonderful after 7 months off ,but rained on and lost sight of land in tinny.Caught a few reddies to 50 cm where you would expect bluespots.they liked squid after the big seas.Only one flattie.Also very weary after,we need more outings!Cheers .
  9. Pickles,I heard of a Labrador that pinched a kilo block of cheese from the shopping and scoffed it,no problem.
  10. That's using your noodle,Pickles.
  11. Thanks for the heads up.Nice fish.
  12. you can double the line thru the hook eye,still tightens the uni knot when lubricated.
  13. Rub pilchard on the jig.Strangely,rubbing prawn on a prawn imitating jig does not turn them on .
  14. Blessed again ,Brother bob....
  15. You are a Champion.Excellent stuff.
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