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Weipa Sportsfishing (Full report & pics now added!)


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well its hard to find the right words to discribe weipa mind blowing i think comes close it's something everyone should do ,i'll be doing this trip at least once a year the fishing is the best i've ever had<br /><br />the lads;;;;;stewy;;i realy got to know stewy on this trip i was not prepaired tackle wise and stewy helped me out lending me one off his top outfits for the river and creek fishing,we had plenty off time to become good mates with the shark fishing at night,stewy doing all the hard work fighting the sharks and me tracing the sharks to pop the trace for them to swim free e.g.100lb trace<br /><br />grant;did all the cooking of fish,i'll never buy fish again as we were eating fish every night with 4 types on the menu most nights ,all the skill of a sue chef and what a feed<br /><br />dan the man;;;dan is one off the best fishermen i have seen and a pleasure to watch with pin point acuracy dan kept us in fresh fish and his skill with the blade doing sushi and the mayo and lime,chilly sauses he made well i was licking the bowel truely amazing mate<br /><br />trung;;; trung should be a stand up comic you had me in tears many times<br /><br />rayman;;deaf as a post i fished with ray most days two deaf old fellas in a polly,mate you put me onto some great fish with the highlight being a spanish mac and a 1005mm queeny at the 3mile it took us a while to workout how to fish the 3 mile being only 20 meters deep and scattered reef,find the bait and drop small cromes down and wind fast we lost more fish than we caught to bull sharks and some unstopable runs back to the reef<br /><br />the bull sharks at the 3 mile the biggest sharks i have seen man there scary and they follow you around with many a long tail lost to these beasts they show up in numbers as soon as you catch fish and as we were advised don't play silly buggers with the bullys they will rip you to sheads in seconds<br /><br />i could go on for pages about weipa but words are just not good as to discribe how insain the place is fishing wise just go there and you will be blown away<br /><br />i would just like to thank rayman for organising the best fishing trip off my life;stewy,grant and dan for all your help with knots and tackle,stewy even lent me a clean pair off shorts for the trip home<br /><br />i went fishing with 5 people and came home with 5 top mates and the memorys to last a lifetime thank you all so much<br /><br />just a note weipa is a very wild spot and i advise go with someone who knows the place we were lucky as ray and grant have been there before there are very few markers and the sand banks move around and many unseen reefs just feet out off sight with crocs and sharks ever present you would be lucky to last a minute in the drink<br /><br /><br />cheers gary

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Sensational stuff guys and wonderful write up as well :clapping::1clap::clapping::1clap::clapping:

That sure is an action packed trip in fishing paradise!!

Thanks so much for sharing I really enjoyed reading the report, it made my day.

Terrific effort all round and it will take a lot to top that one.

All the best


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WOW! REALLY looks like the trip of a lifetime ..... looks terrific so far - can't wait for the remaining pics & videos to be put up!!


What's the pic with Terri Irwin & Bindi??? I take it they were up the Gulf too???



Hi Roberta

The Irwins, Terri + Bindi + Robert were all at Weipa airport on the day we left...

They were all really nice and happy to have a few pictures taken...

Here is a pic of Terri getting patted down :)




Edited by dhype
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Hi All,

Thanks very much to Grant for his most informative report on this fantastic trip, we all had a ball and will be hard to beat on future trips, Gary and i spent a lot of time fishing together , trolling bibbed minnows and did a little bottom bashing trying to find out What lives down there,!!!!we spent copius amounts of time charting a large area around 3 mile reef and sounded some interesting spots with definate fish on the bottom , i would send down a patternoster rig with some bait with no great success except one smash up only on the bait, and Gary sent down a big paddle tail plastic , spiced with just a little bait to entice the big critters, and that he did , he got smashed big time by creatures unknown , with his rig locked up , still had no hope, finnally he managed to get one off the bottom and up comes this magnificent 1.05 mtr queenie, he sure had a smile on his face after that .


shortly after that we were still hunting the bottom species when there was a bust up very close to our boat so I grabbed the closed rod available a 6kilo graphite stick with 1000series el cheapo reel and cast a nice little metal halco slice, , two cranks of the handle and i was on and seriously outgunned , but with some perserverence and expert boat handling by Gary we finnaly got this nice Mack tuna to the boat , pictured Gary holding as my camera was broke .


Funny thing, Gary said hey Ray we got some nice fish under the boat some real nice arches showing on the sounder, great, we look over the side of our 14 foot polycraft and here 5 of the biggest Bull sharks lurking beneath the boat , its a good thing these critters are not too smart as they could easily tip us out of that boat , anyway we moved on, but theres so many of these things up there as soon as your catching fish the sharks are there.

The rest of the trip has pretty much been covered by the other guys, what i will add as always .is the great time we all had and i can always count these guys as Mates . thanks again fellas!!

Cheers snr

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For anyone that hasn't done this trip yet, it is a must do!

Put it on your bucket list.

Ray has the houseboat booked & is already getting ready for

the trip this time next year.

I know he'll be looking for crew so jump onboard if you can.

I don't think you can find a better value for money fishing adventure.



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Fishing and location looks pretty ordinary, boys. Glad I didn't have to work my way through a trip like that and put up with all that sledging and seafood.

:1crybaby: :1crybaby: :1crybaby: :1crybaby:

(well done all!!)

I can't believe you actually read or replied to this thread!! :hitsfan:

For those of you that don't know, Slinky was part of the original crew

but work conspired against him & he had to pull out.

For such a calm, gentle giant I have never seen him soooo cranky for

such a long time.

You were sorely missed mate, but be assured that we WILL make up for it in the future.



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i went with ray last year and had the same fun you guys had this year. we couldent do the trip this year because of prior arrangements but if Ray has organised a trip for next year and needs a crew, any one that wants a great trip should put up your deposit and book a spot.

me and some mates are booked in next year for a 2 weeks on the houseboat and a week reef/game fishing in cairns. we enjoyed our time that much we wanted 2 weeks on the house boat. we want to spend some time chasing sail fish on light spin gear.

we are also going to give it a go a month later when the weather is a bit warmer and with a bit of luck the spanyards are fireing.

Ray were the mackerel boats around like last year?

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Yes Jim but only one boat .the one we went on.they were catching plenty of mackerel.about two hundred a day.they were too busy to allow us on the boat this year but trung and i moored off the outrigger .there seemed to be only sharks there this year and lots of them .well over thirty .scary stuff!!

Sent from my HTC_PN071 using Tapatalk 2

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