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Been in the UK - but we are back!


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Hi Guys

Keith and I are not long back from visiting the UK, meeting up with quite a few of Keith's relatives that he hadn't had physical contact with ever since he left the UK as a child migrant at the age of 10, when he was sent to Africa/Rhodesia to live - to grow up & become a good farmer.

Following the Prime Minister's apology to Child Migrants a few years ago, the British Gov agreed to pay for Former Child Migrants to return to the UK to meet up with their families - most of whom had never re-connected with their families left behind. Keith & I were only too happy to take them up on their offer! :)

We spent 4 weeks in the UK, hiring a car & driving around Southern England, catching up with 9 of Keith's first cousins and even one Auntie of Keith's - yes, his father's younger sister was still alive!! She has just turned 102 last week!! She had broken her hip a few months before we flew out, but had recovered remarkably well, which was terrific.
Keith with 3 cousins & his Aunt Theresa


Keith & Margaret Humphreys - the instigator of Child Migrants Trust, who arranged for our trip to the UK


We were lucky enough to have the most superb weather whilst we were there - it was actually even HOT!! WE couldn't believe it!

We have made a whole new bunch of 'friends' and will remain in contact with them in time to come - and anticipate some UK visitors to Aussie in the next 12 months!

Upon our return, I revisited my surgeon & he gave me a cortisone shot to the shoulder & a 'local' - giving me a mini-manipulation in the surgery ....... and I have much more movement now - it is finally becoming more 'natural' and I am even back fishing & kayaking again! :)

Keith also was checked out last week by his surgeon & got the all clear - so that is really terrific too - 3 years following his surgery. He is as active as ever - you just can't stop him!

It is good to be back - I look forward to posting more reports! :)



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Welcome back Roberta.

That sounds like a great trip. Keith must have been stoked!

Glad to hear that the shoulder is coming good & that Keith is still

in the clear. That's a big relief.

So get fishing & start some more reports coming!!



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Welcome back Roberta!!! And Keith for that matter.

Alot of what I had read on your posts has inspired me and I am now the proud owner of a kayak, sorry yak! I have also taken to fishing with SP's and hard bodies. I've really enjoyed that type of fishing over the past 4 weeks and have even managed a few good fish. Flathead, bream, flounder, whiting and even a nice Jew!

So welcome back, get back out there and keep posting your very informative and detailed outings! I enjoy reading them immensely and learn so much from them.

Tight lines,

Cheers scratchie!!!

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THanks guys - it was a brilliant trip but very tiring! (I must be getting old!! :074:)

...Keith must have been stoked... Absolutely, Grant. In hindsight, if we'd planned it better, he could have been there for the Triathlon World Championships just held this last weekend, too!! :whistling:

...cant wait for the repaired shoulder reports!... My brother Cam is coming up for a week from Sat - so we should be out & about quite a bit! :clapping:

...Didn't you sneak out for fish in the UK.... Sadly, my gear didn't even get unpacked, let alone hit the water!! VERY strong rules over there re fresh water fishing (trout being the native species over there!) So I didn't DARE put a lure anywhere near the fresh water or you cop HUGE fines! When I finally got to a salt water river (the Severn at Bristol) ..... the tide was out & it was 500m of mud flats to the edge of the water - and I wasn't going to walk thru that!! :(

...I am now the proud owner of a kayak... Well done Scratchie!! It is the best fun you can have sitting down, I reckon!! :D Great that you are trying lures & SPs too. Well done on your catches too!! I haven't landed a jew in the yak yet (or even hooked one ...... yet!!)



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Thanks, mate

... I am a little curious though as to why you can't fish lures there for trout?.....

It all just seemed SO complicated - and I only took lures with me and I basically just gave up & started looking for salt water! It can cost thousands to fish a river or wild trout ..... also Many lakes/dams/rivers are privately owned or licensed to fishing clubs - you have to be a member to fish them!! If caught fishing illegally, you can be up for BIG BUCKS, apparently! Rod Licence is different to a fishing permit - so you need both! Also MANY regulations specific to each county in the UK - and ignorance of the rules is not a defence!

  • It is an offence to fish for freshwater fish and eels without a valid rod licence
  • If you are caught you may be fined up to £2,500
  • If you fish without a rod licence you are cheating other anglers
  • Money raised through rod licence sales is invested in fisheries work to benefit all anglers

  • If you are coarse fishing with three or four rods, you need two licences

  • Permission to fish

  • A rod licence does not give you the automatic right to fish on any river, lake or canal. You must obtain permission from whoever owns or rents the fishing rights before you start fishing. This is usually the adjacent landowner or an angling club. Not all owners allow fishing on their waters and some restrict fishing to club or syndicate members only.
    Where fishing is allowed, permits are usually available as day, week or season tickets. You can get these from the fishery owner, a local angling club or tackle shop, or from the club baliff. Some waters have a public right of fishing and some offer free fishing.

....Do you happen to know the regulations?......

From what I could see, there are different regulations for different areas, including a rod licence, permits etc.

More info here:




Anyone wanting to go over & fish for trout in the UK, Scotland or Ireland/Wales ....... I reckon I would make online acquaintances with UK Fly Fishermen & hope that they offer to take you out fishing with them on 'their' water!!



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Wow, that is complicated. I checked the links you gave and it almost makes it not worth it to even bother. I can definitely see why you were looking for salt. It is so much easier here... Get a licence, fish where there is water and don't take too many or ones too small. I think I will stay right here hehehe.

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Just before we left, I found out that our initial hosts (who have a house in Yorkshire as well as London) have a 'customary right' to 2 rods on the river there!!! :1crybaby:

We'd run out of time!!!! :ranting2::mad3:

They never use it!!! :1wallbash:

And when I DID find the saltwater - it was low tide with about 500m of MUD between me & the water!! NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!!

Yep, MUCH easier to go fishing here!! :sun:

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