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Sydney Harbour.

Guest Jocool

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Guest Jocool

My fearless deckie, MarkD and I were of to a very frigid start at 5:30 am at Rose Bay this morning. :074: After launching the re-birthed love of my life, :yahoo:(READ UPDATE HERE) we headed over to Clifton in darkness to try and procure a few live bait. Didn't happen.

Punched out into a stiff breeze, and over some slightly choppy seas to go to Balmoral for more of the same. Still no livies.

So it was decided we would try and replicate last weeks efforts and find some Sambos or Kings in the wash around Old Man's Hat. This failed to produce narry a scale. Went around to Bluefish, and further north to the Bower where we located some schools of fish holding deep, much like last week, but they wouldn't play the game. Are you seeing a trend here??? :wacko:

In desperation, we punched out into some building seas, and tried to get a bait to the bottom about 2 kms out. This was hard going as the swell was building, and with the tide now running in, it got rather messy so we headed back to the shelter of the Harbour.

We found a likely spot out of the wind and without to much current flowing to allow us getting a bait down. First strike saw me come tight onto a smelly 'ole 45 cm Pike, so it was out with the live bait rod, and down he went wearing a new body piercing. :1prop: I might just add that the Pike was a PD for me.

In the meantime, I managed a flowerpot and a decent sized blurter, while Mark tussled with a Wrasse of some description. Not too impressive so far, so it couldn't get much worse. Although it was a gorgeous day, and the sunshine warmed the cockles. :1clap:

At about this time Mark's overhead decided to start its tell tale song...and line was singing of the reel. :1clap: YIPPEE...we were on to something that weighed more than the bait we had.

A few minutes later we had colour, and Mark pulled in his first PJ shark! :risata: Ungly mongrels they are! He was released after recovering the hook, and swam away to terrorise some other poor angler.

We mooched around a bit longer and finally Mark gets another decent amount of line peeling of his reel. With the pressure on, it went straight to the bottom and found a reef! By this stage I was on the floor laughing as I watched Mark getting smoked in a huge way! At least I ain't the only one to get reefed in grand fashion. :risata: A bit of dancing ensued as Mark tried to get the fish of the bottom!


This is a picture of a man getting SMOKED!


I'll give him this much...Mark doesn't give up easily. :thumbup:

Now we were both thinking King. So the only option I could see, was to give the fish its head. And we all know I'm an expert on Kingy fishing now don't we. So Mark freespooled the reel...and waited! And wouldn't you know it....it worked!

A bit of tooing and froing later and we had colour. After an epic fight, Mark was to get his PB.....................................................................................






Now it was my turn. You wouldn't believe it....But my 45cm Pike got taken! BY ANOTHER PJ!

We'd had enough by that stage and went home!

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Thanks for the trip Joe. The conversation and company more than made up for our less than impressive piscatorial efforts :1clap::1clap:

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Guest Jocool
Can you tell me where you get the stickers that you have on the inside of your gunnel. Do they have species, bag limits and a measurement.

        :biggrin2:    Russ


Got them Fisheries, and yes they do have all that info. Still have a few more which I normally keep in the boat. If you see me around just holler, I'll pass you a couple. :thumbup:

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times are tough at the moment. persistence will pay off though, one of the key elements of fishing is patience and persistence i believe. a couple of pj's at this time of year is quite common. don' t know where the reliable salmon are though?

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