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Fishraider Therapy


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For a number of silly medical reasons (comes with the mileage) I've not been able to take my 5.6M Tournament out since I bought it 5 months ago. Hence I do all my current fishing by reminiscing and reading everyone's posts. Gotta tell you, it is great therapy! Particularly seeing great pics of quality catches. I hope to be back on deck in mid November after an op end October.

Until then I am very fortunate in that my office overlooks the entrance to Port Hacking so I see all the boats that go out every day. Very frustrating as I see them go past Jibbon Head and turn South to fish my favourite spots. (Marley, the Wreck, Humps, Stanwell etc) or fish behind Jibbon Bommie at night Even thought of installing a VHF unit in the office to allow me to talk to fishos going by but as that is illegal I guess it is out of the question.

Thanks all for your great posts and pics, they are much appreciated by this veteran fisho.



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See paikea, this site is great for old codgers and us whipsnappers. Cos if it weren't for us whippersnappers, you'd have nothing to read! Lol.

(Referring to another post)

But sincerely, good luck with your op and I hope to read some personal fishing reports from you soon!

Cheers scratchie!!!

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Thanks guys for your kind wishes. much appreciated.

Stormy I did get the bino's out but could not spot you, am I right in thinking that you regularly fish across the way from my place for those funny fish in your profile?

Like may others I spent some time posting to the (now defunct) SFF website. For a number of reasons I lost contact with a number of SFF members who I enjoyed talking to. If any Raiders were members of SFF and recall posts under the name of Haji send me a PM.



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Hey Stormy,good to catch up again. I have been down to Ulladulla doing some maintenance for the past three days so did not sight your response until now.

I have lost your mobile number, can you please sms it to me (0417 777 871) so that we can have a chat over old times and past characters. Like your space age floats by the way, very upmarket.



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