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Middle Harbour


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Went to middle harbour this morning for some kingfish. Well that sort of worked. . Didnt get one yakka or squid so our hopes went that high. Was driving around the spit and saw some salmon jumping out. Hooked up to a fish but it spat the hooks at the boat when it jumped it the air. A few more casts later i hook up to another fish, it was taking line and jumping in the air, took a while to land but was worth it and then my brother nets the fish (biggest fluke) and a 46cm salmon is on board. After the surface action we anchored off and i sent out a burly trail with bread. I casted out a little bit of bread on a size 8 hook without a sinker. within a min or two my 1000 sedona started screaming off the fish took alot of line and i new this was a big one. Got it to the boat and my younger brother netted it first go beginners luck, a nice 32cm trevally came on board. Kept the burly trail going then my brother hooks up to another trevally this one wasnt as big but still an okay fish, a 26cm trevally was on the deck. i hooked up onto another fish and gave it to my dad as he hadnt caught a fish yet. IT put up a great fight then when he saw the fish there was a bigger fish following it. when it got closer it was a big kingfish. The trevally was 36cm and i don't see how it was going to eat it but it just followed it. Casted out a xrap near the fish but wasnt interested then changed to a chrome lure that didnt work either. The one time i wish we had live bait. The kingfish then swam off. Then it came back and started eating the bread in the burly trail. After the kingfish came we didnt get anymore fish. Decided to call it a day after that.

Here are some pics of the fish (all the fish are bigger in real life)

The 46cm salmon



The 32cm trevally


My little brothers trevally


Very nice day little winds no swell, but picked up at around 10:30

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Great little session you had there Ethan! And good on you for handing the rod over to your dad! You've gotta keep him interested too as he obviously drives you around! Don't forget to thank him either!

Those trevally are great little fighters too! If you keep at it, you'll get that kingy your looking for!

Tight lines,

Cheers scratchie!!!

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Yeah wish I had live bait to hook up to it but it was exciting to see it following the trevally. And yeah he takes me there and back and he haven't caught anything yet and I caught quite a few fish already so yeah haha decided he could have a bit of fun on the light gear

Keep at it young fella. It's a great way to spend a day! And you might just come home with a feed!

Good luck to you! :)

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Nice fish your team caught. I had the same happen to me with a nice size kingfish at Balmoral last week. I was using live yellowtail & yellowtail fillets, not a touch for 2 hours. As I was packing up to leave, around 9am, I decided to feed the yellowtail some leftover bread and sure enough the kingy shot out from under the wharf & proceeded to devour the bread. Threw in more bread and floated a yellowtail fillet down amongst the bread but he & dozens of yellowtail had eyes only for the bread, moulded some bread onto a hook, no interest. I left the wharf thinking, there's always next time.

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