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Last few outings


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Hey Raiders,
Had a few sessions around my local waterways in IC and Rozelle Bay over the last couple of months and I must say it's been rather quiet. Apart from one session where I couldn't break the duck, I could only salvage one or two legal fish for my efforts in each of the other sessions and a couple of decent bust offs due to amateur moments on my part.
These are the better ones and I had to work hard for them, all caught on either the Zman Curly Tail Streakz in bloodworm on a 2g (approx 1/14) No. 1/0 squidgy jig, or the Grubz in bloodworm & watermelon-red on a 1.5g (approx 1/18) No. 2 squidgy jig, 5lb braid, 6lb leader:
I got this one at night so I can confirm that SPs work in the dark!
This bruiser gave me some serious action that I've been craving. The sneaky bugger tried his utmost best to bust me off on something nasty. On the first scintillating run he headed straight for some pylons but I managed to steer him away, then he shot straight for some oyster encrusted rocks and it was a thrill to see my rod bend and hear line sizzling off my reel while at the same time I was conscious of any damage to my leader. I was able to subdue and persuade him into the net and I was pumped :yahoo: A new PB trevally on lure :) Pound for pound is there a better fighter in Sydney's estuaries?
All fish happily released to fight another day.
Have a top weekend Raiders and thanks in advance for any comments posted.
All the best and may you all catch some big ones.
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Good stuff Ian, definitely a few quality fish there. Well done on the blurter, they do go hard! In terms of what pulls hardest, I'm not quite sure how far up estuaries trevs go (but not that far from my experience) but if they go far upstream, it would come down to either the trev, yellowfin bream, mullet or salmon.

BTW, any particular reason why you are using the curly tail streaks on 1/0 hooks? Might get a better hookup on flathead but those places are teeming with bream.

P.s. Good idea to bring a net there!

Edited by nbdshroom
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Good stuff mate i see your headging your bets using curly tails bream Jews and flaties as for trevs don't get me started mate wish they were more common up river.keep it up mate

Sent from my GT-S7500T using Tapatalk 2

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Thanks guys for your nice words much appreciated.

Pete: I'm still doing a bit of experimenting with the curly tails, I found the smaller hooks didn't have enough gape on this bigger SP so I tried the 1/0 this time. As for the net I know it's a pain in the bum lugging one around with you as you fish but it's always good insurance especially when fishing rockwalls with a drop to the water line.

Kingfisher: Yeah you are right I was hedging my bets using the curly tailz to see what I could get with it. It has a great action and I look forward to using them more in the future. Even the smaller undersized fish have a swipe at it.

Stan: Thanks mate I forgot to mention in my report that I also had a crack with a chubby, after seeing your recent success on the bream! I tried a variety of retrieves but could only manage some follows and tentative "kisses" of the lure by smaller bream but no hookup. I'll have go again soon.

All the best


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