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Friday 19th Smoked Fish Trolling

Scent Blazer Lures

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No thats Friday the 18th! :)

The day started at 10:30 with a soft ride out of Sydney Harbour (Port Jackson). The water in the harbour was a light blue and clean. We rigged our Scent Blazer lures with bait, and with a nice backdrop and blue skies we were then ready to start trolling. We shot out of the heads and headed south east with Browns Mt mapped and marked on the GPS with 20 degrees water temperature.


We trolled at high speed with a heavy weighted Scent Blazer bullet head lure and just at the Australian shelf slowed down to set a full spread of trolling lures and teasers. Kept pushing past Browns Mt south east and found a temperature change to 22 degrees and came across a large flock of Petrel.


S 34:04:6.907
E 151:40:25.545





The Petrel were in a flock of around 800 birds in a large band from north west to a stream of birds running south east. We did see large schools of fish, some just breaking the surface. We couldn't identify the species - this made us all very sad... moving on. We trolled for quite some time with no hookups, we tried everything. Swapping lures, changing teasers etc, not a thing, just a lot of birds and fish in deep water.


Just before Browns heading north west on our way back we did have a notable occurrence. Our shot gun got smashed. It was quick and very big and heavy. The line broke only a few metres off the rod tip. We didn't see very much, but we did hear the rods recoiling and hitting the radar case with a large smack sound and a scarred radar case. Maybe the drag of just a very big thing in the water. Well now that thing has a small Scent Blazer lure and a hook with 90 meters of good line stuck in it, Oops.

We did note looking back to Sydney that the bushfires were making the sky look very red. Gave a nice golden glow to the water.



Note: 25% discount for all Fishraider Members. Promotional Code: fishraider

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Edited by Scent Blazer Lures
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