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Hawkesbury baits.


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Hi guys/girls

Im heading up the Hawkesbury river, probably Cowan Creek to be specific and just wondering if i can get any help on catching live bait or which dead baits are best to use.

We usually try and get yakkas from westhead and squid across the bay opposite the golf course, but ive found these spots to be very hit and miss, so just hoping someone and point me in the directions of other places to try, or other baits to catch like yabbies, prawns or poddy mullet.

Any advice is greatly appreciated :sun:

PS has any one ever used the prawns from woollies or fish markets with any success??

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I cant comment much on the hawesbury, but I have used large banana prawns from woolies before of the rocks. I only buy them when they are cheeper, keep an eye out for them on special and what not. I use them of the rocks and found they fish really well for most of the bottom fish. Worth a shot, might work in the river, might not, only one way to find out!


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Hey fishnatic try Jerusalem bay for yakkas and cottage point for squid, heading there this weekend myself heard some good reports of Jews at last good luck

P.S.californian squid if buying bait you can also pump nippers from hungry beach

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Hey fishnatic try Jerusalem bay for yakkas and cottage point for squid, heading there this weekend myself heard some good reports of Jews at last good luck

P.S.californian squid if buying bait you can also pump nippers from hungry beach

when i try for squid here, do i just fish around the point its self or in between the boat, and how close to the shore should i go?

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