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Eating from Port Hacking?


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Hi guys,

Just curious to see if everything is edible from port hacking?

Not so much when the water is nice and clear but just a little concerned about eating fish that were caught in this filthy water we have had the last few days in the hacking due to the rain??

Species caught were Kings and Jews.. Cant wait to fry some fillets but thought id ask first. :biggrinthumb:

Would love some of your input.


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Kings would be no issues from any waters around here as they come and go. Jews tend to live in the one place a bit more but I don't think you'd have an issues from hacking. Other more local raiders may know more about the particular waters but I wouldn't be too worried.

I took my little boy fishing after work last night on a pier on the Parramatta river past meadowbank and spoke to an old guy who was jew fishing, said he ate a 30KG jew that he caught there last year... that I wouldn't do!

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Maybe the last few years, but that Jew has probably lived there for 30 years.

Nothing wrong with the hacking, it's nice and clean, although all rivers will peak in toxins after rain.

Still don't think it's anything to worry about

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I have not heard any issue with port hacking, the rain may cause high levels of bacteria for a short period but I would not think that would be an issue for cooked fish.

What you need to be worried about is things like dioxins and heavy metals that are still in un acceptable levels in places like the parra river.

That said these things wont kill you, they just increase your risk of things like cancer.

I know a guy personally that still eats mud crabs from the upper parra and has done for 40 years or so, I recon he is playing Russian roulette with his health.

It has only been about 10 years since the pros were selling us silverwater prawns for human consumption. At this time the govt were bussy removing, burying or sanitizing foul toxic soil and mud from Rhodes to Parramatta and right through the Olympic site.

If I were you I would be getting out the lemon wedges and cold beers mate.

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As far as I understand and please correct me if im wrong the human health risks are associated with bio-accumulation of chemicals through the food chain.

Filthy water that you would expect from a few rainy days would not impact fish caught in an otherwise clean catchment. Unless there is some evidence of stinky sewage or oil which you pull the fish from.

As for the parramatta river. The damage done by past industry on the banks of the river is practically irreversible in the short term. Contaminants like dioxins are high in the sediments of the river which bioaccumulate through the food chain. Unless they physically dredge and clean all the sediments in the river, this is going to stay there.

I personally take heed of fisheries advice but i guess it is up to each of us to make a decision if we want to eat fish from that area.

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Thanks for all the input guys.. my wife never eats fish, but once i cooked some fillets.. she was HOOKED!!

Have to admit, the fish was AMAZING!

Once fish was at room temp i marinated with rock salt, cracked pepper, little garlic salt, sweet paprika, oregano and left it sitting in olive oil for 30min..




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that does look pretty good CDV

I know a guy personally that still eats mud crabs from the upper parra and has done for 40 years or so, I recon he is playing Russian roulette with his health.

Does that guy drop his nets off the wharf road boatramp jetty? Mate of mine was talking to 2 blokes who catch and eat mudcrabs from there and have done so for decades.

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