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Here is a media release sent to us - I have added the vids to our FISHTUBE collection


Duncan Gay

Wednesday 27 November 2013



Minister for Roads and Ports Duncan Gay today launched the state’s biggest lifejacket awareness campaign to promote safe and responsible boating behaviour.

Minister Gay was joined by Aussie actor and comedian Shane Jacobson who is spear-heading a series of light-hearted films, that will run as part of a statewide lifejacket campaign running through to Easter.

"One of the hardest facts to contend with is that nine out of 10 people who drowned while boating in NSW in the last decade were not wearing a lifejacket," Minister Gay said.

"We’re pleased to have Shane on-board as an avid water sport enthusiast to deliver our message that if your lifejacket is not on, then it can’t save you.

"The online video series called ‘That’s Not On’ features Shane getting involved in a number of on-water scenes including kayaking and fishing.

"The videos will complement the traditional newspaper, tv and radio campaign aimed at reminding people to ‘Wear A Lifejacket’ – it never ruined a day on the water’.

"Our boating safety officers are taking a zero tolerance approach this season and issuing on the spot fines to people who don’t wear their lifejacket," Minister Gay said.

Mr Jacobson said he hopes that the campaign will help change community attitudes.

"These days, wearing a lifejacket doesn’t mean you have to look like a seventies throwback in a puffer vest.

"There’s a whole new range of lifejackets out there that are designed to suit every taste, budget and water activity, so there’s absolutely no excuse not to wear one, especially in small vessels.

"We want to see people get into the habit of putting on a lifejacket in the same way they remember to apply sunscreen - it is simple and could save their life," Mr Jacobson said.

Shane’s series ‘That’s Not On’ is at www.lifejacketwearit.com.au/thatsnoton or WATCH HERE ON fishraider on fishtube

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What ever happened to common sense, freedom of choice and personal responsibility .......all are disappearing it would seem. I do not want or require Minister Gay telling what I can and cannot do or wear. Enough is enough.......please leave us alone.

Hmmmmm unfortunately not everyone is as highly intelligent, responsible and/or swims like Johnny Weissmuller as you it seems.

It is a positive step towards attempting to save some people from drowning and fishraider supports it

Your opinion is respected of course.........

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I just think it should be compulsory on all boats full stop and either by yourself or with someone. I barely notice when im wearing mine anymore.

I don't see why a boat larger than 4.5m has exclusions. I have a 4.5m console tinny primarily estuary/rivers, mostly fish alone and could easily swim to shore and im talking about being overboard in a river or estuary here. If I owned a 6m say, I fish outside more often than not, where would I swim to?? Anything that can happen will happen - surf life savers do drown in competitions.

just saying they should be like seatbelts.

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With all due respect mrsswordfiherman,

I believe your response was not in keeping with my thoughts and was a tad derogatory to be honest. Of course I want to keep people safe but life itself is a risk everyday and we each, as individuals, should and need to minimise those risks - on the water and off.

That's a benefit of your position, I guess, but I believe I should be able to give my opinion without that type of comment.......just saying. Any resemblance between myself and Jonny Weissmuller is........well, none when I now think about it :-)

Kind Regards,


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With all due respect mrsswordfiherman,

I believe your response was not in keeping with my thoughts and was a tad derogatory to be honest. Of course I want to keep people safe but life itself is a risk everyday and we each, as individuals, should and need to minimise those risks - on the water and off.

That's a benefit of your position, I guess, but I believe I should be able to give my opinion without that type of comment.......just saying. Any resemblance between myself and Jonny Weissmuller is........well, none when I now think about it :-)

Kind Regards,


A benefit of my position? I am entitled to voice my opinion as well and I did mean to be critical of your statement.

In 2010 there was a whitepaper on Lifejacket Reforms released for people to submit comments. We created the same questions as a poll here on fishraider and sent the results to the government offices.

Have a look at it http://www.fishraider.com.au/Invision/index.php?showtopic=49822

This is how the government consulted with industry bodies and groups that use boats and make the legislation and laws.

If you wish to not wear a lifejacket enjoy the fines I suppose.

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I was referring to your position as a Moderator. Yes of course you are entitled to your opinion, as am I, but do I try to belittle you? No, so please refrain doing the same is all I was referring to.

Kind regards,


Um I am not a moderator I actually own the site.

I am sorry if you think I am belittling you. I am willing to have a debate on this offline if you wish. Send me a pm.

Fishraider supports the safe use of boats and lifejackets to save lives. As mi11x said earlier it will just be like putting on a seatbelt when you get into a car.

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