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Stockton Breakwall


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G'day Raiders,

I went to Stockton breakwall today with the Mrs and the young bloke to chase jew. With all the recent rain there's plenty of fresh water about so I thought it'd be prime time and so did everyone else it seemed.

I couldn't get any livies so I busted out my go to plastics and hard bodies and the Mrs chucked out some pillies. However, we had no luck on the Jew. Only 1 small jewie of about 50cm was landed by another fisho off the end of the wall so we decided to change tactics.

We got the light gear out and fished lightly weighted peeled prawns in close to the rocks on the rising tide in the arvo and into the night and nailed quite a few nice bream and a few good sized leather jackets which surprised me a bit as I haven't caught them there before.

All in all it was a great day with the family and even though the Jew weren't playing, we still caught heaps and could've taken plenty of fish home but all fish were released today.





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Never mind the Jews mate. But I'm glad you got the fam onto some bream anyway. Question, did you see any bait schools boiling up on the surface within casting distance. I'm keen to get back there to get onto pelagics again. Haven't been there for a few weeks now well before all this rain.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk

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I couldn't see any bait in the water but the cormorants were grabbing small mullet within casting distance but I didn't see anyone catch one.

I also usually bring live freshwater mullet with me from the Hunter River where I live but due to all the rain we've had the river is up in a big way so I couldn't get any unfortunately.

Edited by Dave_
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At least you got a feed in the end. Always better than sitting in front of the box.

Yeah not wrong mate, breakwall jew fishing can be like that. Still a good day, can't complain with the fish I got. Last time we went it was the mrs birthday and all she wanted was a jewie for her birthday and this is what she got.

Needless to say she was stoked.


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Great spot, and I have had a few go's at it. It is the best time ATM to target Jews along that wall. Especially after all the rain we gave had, they would be pushed out the river and onto the beaches. You do need livies though but if that don't work some big mullet fillets should do the trick!

Chewers scratchie!!!

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Im going to hit the wall this afternoon, fingers crossed and i will be posting a pic of a monster Jew tonight.

Was there no bait around the shipwreck attheend of the wall???

I was fishing directly opposite the wreck (caught plenty of jewies there before) and so as always I tried my hardest to get some to no avail. I kept getting those wrasse with the big teeth, they go hard as on the bait jig. Heap of boats were anchored up there trying for livies but they didn't have much luck from what I seen.

The wreck can be real hit and miss for livies so I usually just take freshwater mullet with me. The Jew love the oily little suckers.

Good luck tonight , I'm jealous as.

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