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Nothing Big


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Hi fellas, haven't been posting for a while as I haven't really caught anything really noticeable, despite a lot of sessions during which I got my fare share of fishes.

I dedicated my time to light game in estuary and could not pull anything sizeable whether it was flathead, bream or whiting.

Where are the big fishes ??? ;) Still lot of fun and a few session with 7 to 12 legal fishes in less than 3 hours mostly in Sydney Harbour, on lure, here are a few random samples.


Different types of lures here, the last bream demonstrates you can get fishes on cheapies ! (7$ popper, none of them has the same action, but they manage to work for me and catch fish somehow ;) )

I must say that slow sinking stick baits have done the damage overall, and blades strangely didn't work so well ...

100 % of these guys went back after a quick snap as usual...

Edited by T.C
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Whoa you're doing just fine mate! Or are you building up an excuse to buy a boat lol


Hahaha that one is awesome ! But sadly the GF is not likely to go on fish raider at all :) (if she does a little hobbie mirage .... lol)

No as I say I'm very happy, even when I catch undersize fishes to be frank, but I genuinely went out 10 /12 times (near 40 hours), gave my best and could not pull a single solid fish (i.e. bream 40+, lizard 65+ or whiting 35 +, not even good tailors or trevallies which is quite unusual).

A bit frustrating I reckon especially because I haven't even hooked / lost one of these, I just haven't seen them.

But it will come soon I guess, it is all about persistence that game !

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