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Top water bream session


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Hey Raiders!

Hope you all had a great weekend!

I went for a top water bream session on the weekend around the shallows in Rozelle Bay and its canal. Fishing the top of a nice 1.9m high tide and the first three hours or so of the run out.

With this session I decided from the onset to persist with a surface lure and restrain myself from reaching for the ever reliable Z-man grubz when things went quiet. When things did go quiet I simply moved along.

Even though I only managed 3 legal bream ranging from 25cm to 29cm my lure generated much interest with numerous follows, several hits and pulled hooks. I also dropped a bream in the low 30's as I tried to lift it onto the shore without a net as I left the net several metres away at the last spot I was prospecting :ranting2: Oh well at least I hooked up, experienced a great fight and I got to see what it was and I'll try to land that one next time. Hope you enjoy the photos!





Gear used was a 2-4kg rod, 2500 reel, 5lb braid, 6lb FC leader and a Gladiator Kozami 50mm lure with the rear treble replaced with assist hooks. This was the first time I've used assist hooks and I can definitely see the advantages of them. Also the barometer was around 1018 hPa and air temperature around 26 °C.

So there you go Raiders, no massive fish by any stretch of the imagination but it was great to escape and get out for a few hours on a lovely summer afternoon after a hectic week of work. It was also a thrill to see the surface takes and I look forward to converting more of those hits into fish! All in all I was happy with this session :)

All fish safely released to fight another day.

Many thanks in advance for any comments posted.

Have a great week everyone.

All the Best


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Great work Ian! I know you said not the biggest fish but you had a plan and stuck to your guns. And most of all, you were successful. It's great watching a lure get smashed no matter what the size of the fish. Nothing better after a week at work than walking around casting lures, it's a great way to de-stress!

Tight lines,

Cheers scratchie!!!

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Thanks very much for the nice words guys much appreciated.

Roberta: Yes it's so visual and so much fun and it sure gets the heart pumping especially with those 'smacks' and 'wallops'. I must say I got inspired by reading your report a couple of weeks ago when you got some nice bream on the surface, that prompted me to have a shot myself..... thanks! I still need to get some of those spiral snaps.

Paikea: I agree they are a handsome fish and fight so hard for their size as well. It's always good to release them too and hopefully catch them again when they've grown bigger!

Witha: From my experience in those areas it's best to fish a couple of hours either side of a big high tide. Moving around is also important covering ground as is mixing up your retrieves to see what is working on the day. If there is no interest in your lure after several casts in one particular spot then it's time to move along a little and or maybe even vary your retrieve. If you're fishing SPs fish as light as you can for the conditions, 1/16th jig head weight is plenty in those areas with an SP around 2.5" - 3", No. 1 or No. 2 hook size. Most of all keep on persisting and try to learn from each outing and the results will steadily come. Even if you catch nothing try to learn from that session and maybe try something different the next time..... well that's what I do anyway.

Stan: Yes certainly get out there, you will do very well and cash in big time!

Scratchie: Thanks, yeah it's a good feeling when a plan comes together and walking the shore line casting lures is a nice way to relax and de-stress.

All the best and happy fishing.


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