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Marine Rescue volunteers save dad and son


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MRNSW volunteers save dad and son swept out to sea

A young boy and his father swept out to sea on a body board off Bherwerre Beach on the Illawarra coast this afternoon have been safely rescued by volunteers from Marine Rescue Sussex Inlet.

Family members on shore raised the alarm when the pair was caught in a rip and carried out beyond the break zone shortly before 2.30pm.

Police contacted the nearby Marine Rescue Sussex Inlet unit, which immediately launched its new Phoenix rescue vessel, Sussex Inlet 30, to retrieve the father and son.

Launching the vessel within six minutes of receiving the call for help, Skipper Tom Dunlop and crew members James Stretton and Keith Jackson were on the scene in less than 20 minutes, after carefully negotiating a low tide in the Sussex Inlet.

Mr Stretton said the young boy, aged about 10, had been scared but otherwise both surfers had been in good condition when rescued from the open waters just north of the Sussex bar.

He said the crew had brought the pair back across the bar and dropped them on the beach, where they were met by their relieved family and Jervis Bay Commonwealth Police officers.

MR Sussex Inlet Unit Commander John Lang praised his members’ quick response to the emergency and skill in navigating the low tide in the inlet to reach the pair swiftly and return them to safety.

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Awesome work by marine rescue great guys. Donated to them this year so they can keep up the great work have a think about it if you're in a charitable mood (I know there are so many worthy causes). A particular tackle shop many of us might frequent also offers to tack on a few bucks to your purchase to give to them if you happen to be shopping for more kit. These guys are fantastic as seen from the above report!



Sent from my GT-I9100T using Tapatalk

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Well done to the Marine Rescue Volunteers - Terrific effort and result! It is great to know that we have those guys looking over our shoulders, should we need assistance!

My Uke group has played at a couple of fundraisers at the Coastal Patrol here - and we are doing another one in February - our first 'gig' for 2014!! As we don't charge to play, all money raised goes totally to them!

cheers & Merry Xmas to all Marine Rescue Volunteers!!


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