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Around the coast volume 2:


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G'day Raiders,

Thought I'd post another instalment of fishing activity from the land around the central coast.

Didn't get into the estuaries much this week. Managed to pump some nippers and drown them down at wagstaffe for a some pinkies.

Got out with the usual partner in crime on the weekend, Belligero. Poor bugger got smoked by a large something that took him some wicked runs before breaking off in some snags in shallower water...Dam!!!

Got myself a nice flatty in the same session going for 55cm on a 5inch jerk shad.

Next morning hit the beach solo for another little flatty, this one measured in around the 45cm mark and partnered up with its estuary dwelling relative for dinner.

Monday, day before the full moon and a dusk high tide. Time for the beach. Similar patterns to the last report emerged when we hooked up!

Managed to drag the other half to the beach for a fish so I definitely owed her the first catch. Handed the rod over and she didn't disappoint bringing in another shovel nose!

High fives all around and due to a lack of preparation we ran out of bait soon after. Headed home with some promising signs coming into the full moon.

Which brings me to tonight. Much harder to find the deep water on the beach tonight with very unclear channels and gutters.

Must of been in the right place at the right time and dragged the little guy seen below.

He looked like a hybrid between a port jackson and a gummy, never seen a shark like him. Anyone know the species. I'm pretty confident someone here has caught one before.

Either way he swam free and I called it a night 30 mins after the tide change.

My biggest question at the point is where on earth did the salmon schools go? Do they go quiet over winter?


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Mate its been very quiet on the rocks for myself as well. At least your catching fish. I'm looking for the salmon schools too MIA. Nice fish.

Thanks mate. Haven't had a crack off the rocks for a while, mostly due to the lack of adequate safety gear haha.

Not complaining with a good fish in just about every session but would like to see some better quality species or size for a good fight.

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The salmon are getting netted from north head Sydney all the way up the coast

I assumed there would still be a heap around. Until the last couple of weeks I hadn't caught anything other than salmon off the beach. I must just be missing the schools haha.

Might go off the rocks soon when the kingies and tuna come through and try my luck


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