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Bitter sweet Harbour King


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So i went out today and some of you may know i wanted to get my first dolly.

So headed straight to the artifical with not a dolly in sight and trolled all over the artifical for nothing, thought id drop a jig with the brand new rod and reel. Jig Jig smash i was on. Had about 9 kilos of drag and this thing was screaming, then bang, nothing.

Thought that was really bizarre no idea what happened there?

So i trolled from the artifical to blue fish then back around north head back across to the colurs all the way to Bondi golf course and back for not even a touch, had a Williamson little blue skirt out the back and a xrap 20foot. Then coming along south head the skirt starts singing and of course it had to be the rod with 20lb braid on it lol. Nice kingie was landed after an awsome fight and a lightist set-up.

Then i get the phone out to take a photo im holding the fish in one hand and the phone in the other then the fish goes mental and knocks my brand new iPhone 5 (work phone) straight into the drink, i launch across the boat and somehow manage to get the phone before it sinks straight down, dont ask me how i got it i dont know. So measured the Kingie and he comes in at 62cm.... Not only did he wreck my new phone but didnt even have the decency to be legal!

So back in he went and wouldnt you know all 8 boats that were hanging around the artifical are all fishing on top of me....

So after speaking to apple its going to be an expensive day out fishing $350 dollars later.... And i dont even have any photos of the fish to post up!

Cheers Michael

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That's a real bummer mate.I lost a pair of brand new expensive Ray Bans after my girls bought it for my birthday....nearly cried, lol!!! :mad3:

Anyway, I was around South Head today as well.

Just got my new Okuma Salina 3 reel with 30lb Fireline on it, the other day. So, decided, what the heck, I'll get an X-Rap 20ft lure to go with it also.

Started to trawl around Nth Head and after only a couple of minutes in the water...BANG!!, I pull out a 2-3 Kg Salmon.

Headed over to South head and put out the live slimeys we caught earlier. Whilst that was in the water, thought I would cast a soft plastic to keep me amused.

All of a sudden, BANG on the soft plastic, The kingy is on and after two three turns of the reel, the live bait reel starts to scream....lol.

Great fun trying to get both on at the same time, especially when you have a couple of mates being smart arses and not wanting to help out....lol. Letting me suffer... :ranting2:

Anyway, ended up pulling in over 15 Kingies and the closest one was 64.5cm....lol. Others were all around 57-60cm.

All went back to fight another day.

Great fun today,

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That's a real bummer mate.I lost a pair of brand new expensive Ray Bans after my girls bought it for my birthday....nearly cried, lol!!! :mad3:

Anyway, I was around South Head today as well.

Just got my new Okuma Salina 3 reel with 30lb Fireline on it, the other day. So, decided, what the heck, I'll get an X-Rap 20ft lure to go with it also.

Started to trawl around Nth Head and after only a couple of minutes in the water...BANG!!, I pull out a 2-3 Kg Salmon.

Headed over to South head and put out the live slimeys we caught earlier. Whilst that was in the water, thought I would cast a soft plastic to keep me amused.

All of a sudden, BANG on the soft plastic, The kingy is on and after two three turns of the reel, the live bait reel starts to scream....lol.

Great fun trying to get both on at the same time, especially when you have a couple of mates being smart arses and not wanting to help out....lol. Letting me suffer... :ranting2:

Anyway, ended up pulling in over 15 Kingies and the closest one was 64.5cm....lol. Others were all around 57-60cm.

All went back to fight another day.

Great fun today,

Geez were you sitting on the colours and the artifical with everyone else? were the kings taking the liveys over anything were they?

Its annoying when you reel em in and they feel 10kg heavier in the water lol.

Sometimes the really good ideas arrive a little late. :064:

Your telling me mate lol oh well these things happen

that was a great read mate, sorry to hear about the phone, but even sorrier to hear that the king was just short of legal. =) hehe

but it seems like you're willing to put in the effort, and you'll be rewarded sooner or later.

Cheers mate i put in the hours every weekend and spend most nights reading up on things been doing that for 18 months now and its starting to pay off :)

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That's a real bummer mate.I lost a pair of brand new expensive Ray Bans after my girls bought it for my birthday....nearly cried, lol!!! :mad3:

Anyway, I was around South Head today as well.

Just got my new Okuma Salina 3 reel with 30lb Fireline on it, the other day. So, decided, what the heck, I'll get an X-Rap 20ft lure to go with it also.

Started to trawl around Nth Head and after only a couple of minutes in the water...BANG!!, I pull out a 2-3 Kg Salmon.

Headed over to South head and put out the live slimeys we caught earlier. Whilst that was in the water, thought I would cast a soft plastic to keep me amused.

All of a sudden, BANG on the soft plastic, The kingy is on and after two three turns of the reel, the live bait reel starts to scream....lol.

Great fun trying to get both on at the same time, especially when you have a couple of mates being smart arses and not wanting to help out....lol. Letting me suffer... :ranting2:

Anyway, ended up pulling in over 15 Kingies and the closest one was 64.5cm....lol. Others were all around 57-60cm.

All went back to fight another day.

Great fun today,

Geez were you sitting on the colours and the artifical with everyone else? were the kings taking the liveys over anything were they?

No, I caught more on soft plastics.....only caught 2 kingies on the livies.

Edited by Sigma
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Mike2153 sorry to here the Dollies weren't there they must have moved on at least you got a Kingy. Your phone going overboard reminds me of loosing my car keys in the briny that I wasn't able to save, cost $950 after tow to dealership, break into car and cut new key with code.

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Mike2153 sorry to here the Dollies weren't there they must have moved on at least you got a Kingy. Your phone going overboard reminds me of loosing my car keys in the briny that I wasn't able to save, cost $950 after tow to dealership, break into car and cut new key with code.

Mate that makes me feel a little better about my phone lol that's gotta hurt $950 what did the missus say?!
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Nice report buddy. Was out there also yesterday getting into those kings around south head. Good fun but yet to land a legal size this season. Wanted to ask what colour Xrap did u troll. Was using slimy Mack colour in the 20ft and 30ft for an hour trolling not even a touch.

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Good read mate and also sorry about the phone. The go pro is a good idea. You can just set it up recording video, hold your fish up and sort some still shots from the video when you get home.

Don't want to sound like a know it all but use your go pro to take video as normal then change it to photo mode to take photos (now you might be saying, who clicks the shutter button when you're out solo right? :D )

Put it in photo mode and time lapse it to say every 2-3 seconds (so what this means, is that it will take a photo every 2-3 seconds until you go and turn it off), so just stand in front of the go pro, do 101 poses with it for 30 seconds, and you'll have at approx 60 photos to choose from when you get home, and hopefully a few doesn't have your head or fish cut out LOL.

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Mike I'm not to sure whats available ATM as I have an older version (hero 3) purchased over a year ago now.

I'm sure someone on here is in the know?

I just have mine mounted with one of the adhesive brackets but the options are really wide open.

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What sort if go pro could I get for a boat application in the 200 300 dollar range? Also how does everyone mount theres?

You could get a GoPro HD Hero3 5MP for 268 , comes with cover an mount and for $30 you can get an additional kit that has some etra mounts for different set ups..

$399 will get u a version up with the 12mega pixel camera with remote .

Edited by GaryO
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Nice report buddy. Was out there also yesterday getting into those kings around south head. Good fun but yet to land a legal size this season. Wanted to ask what colour Xrap did u troll. Was using slimy Mack colour in the 20ft and 30ft for an hour trolling not even a touch.

Hahaha that answer is hilarious, not sure what's the "nicest" part of the report (lost phone, angry missus, undersized king, not being able to catch what you were targeting) but man who cares ? what colour did the damage on the undersized criminal king ??? :banana:

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BTW if you're quick enough to get your phone b4 it sinks, some major brands are now doing waterproof smartphones (which might also well be my next treat).

Sony xperia z, Samsung galaxy 4 active, and others actually...

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BTW if you're quick enough to get your phone b4 it sinks, some major brands are now doing waterproof smartphones (which might also well be my next treat).

Sony xperia z, Samsung galaxy 4 active, and others actually...

Yea i have heard about that. WHen i was at apple the guy was telling me that they replace up to 20 waterdamaged iPhones a day, so i asked why dont they make them waterproof? He didnt have any answer for me lol.

You would think that if you can get a phone to have a camera, intenet and all the other fancy crap a smarrtphone can do these days they could make it waterproof.

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While I sympathise with your loss, it pales into insignificance when compared to my regular fishing mate's loss at Nelson bay last week. He, his wife, 2 adult sons and their partners had hired a boat from the marina for a days fishing while having a short holiday there. It was registered to carry 6 adults, so reasonably large. As they were quietly motoring along just outside the breakwall/harbour a tiller steered boat came blasting out, heading directly at them. The driver heard their shouts just in time to veer away from a direct hit amidships but still struck them a glancing blow with enough force to overturn their hire boat and land them all in the water. Fortunately no major injuries were sustained but they lost 5 iphones, three sets of car keys, 4 fishing outfits (including two Shimano Calcutta reels and a brand new Stradic CI4+) and assorted lures, hooks etc. All up about $7000 worth. Their hopes of receiving any compensation are minimal as the 18 year old local lad driving the other boat is unemployed. He has been charged and if found guilty will most likely have to pay a fine to the state government and be allowed to pay it over time. His victims will in all likelihood get nothing as he will have no assets to claim against. The law is an ass!!

Edited by kel
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