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Fun on the rocks


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I haven't been able to fish for a month due to the busy Christmas and new year period at work, and I finally got the chance for a couple of days on the rocks this week.

Monday was the first day, and I was on the stones just before 6am. High tide was around 9am I think, and usually for me at this spot it's pretty productive to have a line in the water right on first light on a rising tide. Not much wind and a bit of swell. To my disappointment it was very quiet right up until an hour or so after high tide when I started getting a few bites.

I was fishing with peeled banana Prawns and bread burley trying to tempt some drummer from their holes. Nothing. When the tide dropped enough I was able to get a couple of cunji to try my luck with. Within a couple of casts. ..bang!! I was on and it had some serious weight and pull. After a rough 30 seconds up came a big fat groper! The rest of the day was pretty quiet but I was glad to be back fishing again.

Thursday was the same plan, but I had some cunji left from Monday which I'd frozen, and on my very first cast it got smashed! Up came a nice healthy looking 40cm bream!

About an hour after I started feeling that familiar drummer tapping but I couldn't hook up. Then all of a sudden I felt a massive pull and my rod buckled. It caught me a bit by surprise and my line got caught on the handles of my Alvey..but I lifted my rod up enough to keep him out of the caves and freed the line. He darted for every hole he could find...but I got him up in the end. A very fat over 45cm drummer! I managed a leather jacket after that and then packed up and left. A good couple of days in all!





Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note II via Tapatalk mobile

Edited by Mousse
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