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Shimano sustain or stradic?


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The Sustain is the better reel, but i am a Stradic man and will always pick the Stradic......guess the sentimental factor kicks in there as the Stradic was the first expensive reel my old man got for me when i upgraded from the plastic 10 dollar kid setups.

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I use Stradics in 1000,4000 and 5000. I love them and they are great value for money. I give mine very little love and use them once or twice a week. I have never had them apart for a clean or service since i have owned them and some are over 5 years old.

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3kg of drag is heaps, it's probably going on a 2-4kg stick anyhow. The stradic ci4 is 30 grams lighter than the sustain, so not by much. I guess the extra grunt on the drag could come in handy, just chuck the reel on a slightly heavier rid for a different outfit.


If it's to good to be true, it usually is...

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