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Sydney harbour kingfish help


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So i have recently bought a kayak to hopefully help me catch me more fish. i have also started targeting kingfish. I think I'm doing most things right by catching fresh squid and fishing lighter line (30 pd mono and 40pd fluro leader) that will hopefully result in more bites. However despite of this i don't know what sought of areas to look for and to fish. I'm looking for if anyone can give me any rough areas (not expecting you to give me spot x) would be greatly appreciated.

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Kings also hang on the bottom as well, sometime they take the bait just off the bottom sometime on top of the water, they feed all through the water coloumn, ball sinker to an arms length of leader then a live squid on a 4/0 or 5/0, I'd be fishing heavier than 30 or 40 pound especially near structure, if you hook a decent size one and not a rat they will give you a hard time plus I've never found that kings are weary of the thicker lines, when there feeding or you can trigger them to feed they are pretty aggressive and aren't fussed about some thicker line let alone a couple of big hooks hanging out of the squid or even a big downrigger bomb for that matter

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