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Gladesville newbie


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I'm a pretty new fisho landbased in Gladesville. I've tried soft plastics and vibes, so far with no success. I've got most of my own gear, only problem is it never works.

I'd be reallly grateful if someone was willing to show me the soft plastic/vibe ropes. Because of work I'm omly able to fish most Fridays and the occassional Saturday. I have a car so I can travel.


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Admin is thinking about hosting another social on soft plastics and lure fishing.


Will get back to you about this shortly.


Do not give up on the artificials its great when you crack your first fish

A thunbs up to that idea swordy!

I know many if us would love some expert tutelage / a chance to meet some raiders!



Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk

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Hey Nutsaboutfishing I cracked my cherry a couple of weeks ago at Brays Bay just over the river at Rhodes. About 1km over the bridge on the left there is a park ,restaurant and Kokada track Memorial. I fish from the restaurant north towards the mangroves along the park. I posted in saltwater lure and fly. No finesse just let the 5" gulp sink , slow wind in and it worked.

I am definitely looking to learn more from a social SWORDFISH

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