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Getting to grips with boating ( the hard way)


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Thanks to Paikea for comming round tonight.

For those who are following the steering is shot. Toooo much play and Very stiff. I'll be getting this sorted straight away ( possibly a major reason why I can't steer out of a dive)

Also there is minor denting at the bow that isn't helping. I'll look to get this knocked out. Lastly it looks like the engine may not be trimmed in enough which surprised me I. E. Not enough bow in the water to carve through the waves. This is an easy adjustment by moving the stop pin and I can then play with various trim settings.

The steering is obviously the biggest issue and needs fixing before I can test again.

Thanks Paikea for your time and help

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk

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I recall in your first thread you mentioned the vessel was broaching (nose diving), by lowering (trimming in) the outboard it is only going to make that situation much worse. On most planning hulls the bow isn't meant to be ment to cave through the waves when on the plane. Although with the low dead rise on the stern it may seem you have an unusual shape hull for a small alloy vessel. This design is traditionally seen on custom Carolina shape hulls which have a very sharp entry in the forward section of the hull and a almost flat dead rise to allow lower hp and better economy and reasonable performance. Now they have similar design hulls with a fraction more dead rise and huge hp and massive speeds. The design works very well when done right.

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Hi whaler. I advised Paikea that even at a steady speed (not on the plane) that I still seemed to be breaking the half way down the boat. Paikea has said that this may be that I don't have enough bow in to carve through and the arse end is skidding.

I follow some of what your saying but Tbh I'm an amature with this. Is it possible that a lack of in trim I'm hitting a point of no return once it skids round?

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The stern will skid more with the bow further in, when vessels aren't on the plane they steer by the stern skidding out, not so noticeable on small vessels. The pivot point when moving forward is right up the bow and that's were the vessel will steer from. I think you should fix the steering first and other problems identified by paikea then re asses the situation, I have sent you a pm too.

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I thought I should post a brief update after all the advice and help I've been offered.

Project. Stuffed steering?

Following advice that I had too much play in my steering and it was too stiff (too hard to steer out when a wave takes me) I called a recommended boat repairers to book her in.

I spoke to a receptionist who tried to put me through to repairs but there was no answer. I left my details and waited.

24 hours later and having had a chance to reconsider my own mechanical skills at such a simple job I had still not had a call back. I decided this would be an easy weekend job and save me cash.

Friday 4pm and they finaly call me back. I advise that I'm all sorted now and thanks anyway. So full of confidence I head home anticipating an hour of disassembly. Now I'm not scared of a socket set ( or a welder and grinder come to that) BUT could I get this thing apart???? Grrrr spanners YouTube. More spanners. YouTube. Get the hammer out. It's just not happening.

I do see whilst I'm attacking all ends that it's running with a teleflex nfb system.

One report says the helm it attached but I also find cables sold as Seperate parts.

Time to pack up and have a glass of red.

Saturday morning and after 2 hours of Google and YouTube I'm still none the wiser but I have read quite a bit that Nfb systems are stiff!!!!

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk

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Sorry no cr meant.

So back to plan A. I don't know how to do this so take it to a shop.

I went to the recommended shop and asked how stiff is stiff for steering. Blank look. Please can you show me a boat trip that has acceptable steering? No! All our boats are hydrolic. Ok. I've got about 30 degree free play on the steering wheel on a nfp system is that normal? Yes. All systems have lots of free play in the steering. Do I have to tow my boat here for you to tell me if my steering is stiff for a nfb system? We're full for the next two weeks!

Feeling I'm in a downhill slope I ask. If I need to replace the helm and cable can you speculate on a price. I'm advised that a parts kit is over 500 and prob a couple of hours labour at $120 ph.

WTF. I can by the parts retail for half that. Now don't get me wrong. I've got nothing against paying a skilled man for his work but add 100%to a retail price for parts?????

I. E. $750 to replace a cable steering system!

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Anyway off to office works taren point and I spotted another marine shop.

Directed to their workshop and 15 minutes later I'm advised my steering don't sound good and am booked in for a full overall at 60% of the price of the other place ( that's if they establish everything needs replacing) they listened. They advised. And they were happy just to check it out before doing any work. They also said there should be no slop in the nfb steering. so a week on Monday I will have sorted steering. And be ready to test again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i've just got the boat back today after the steering being looked at.

as i've said before i have little experience with boats and noting to compare me new love with.

i'd been advised that the steering was stiff but bloody hell now its fixed i can see what it is supposed to be like. ( thanks for the advice Paikea).

it's now like turning the wheel of a small family car instead of a road train with the power steering blown !!!

they (i won't mention names (unfortunatly) as i don't think i can advertise there great work due to site terms and conditions ?) only replaced the cable saying the helm was ok, they also said it was an easy job to replace and the bill came in at 50% of what they origionaly quoted !!!

It would have been so easy for them to say it was a bugger and took 3 hours ! my faith in humanity is restored and i know where i'll be taking the boat for all future work.

I also stole 15 mins of there time and they confirmed that the engine was set correctly and the small bruises at the front of the boat would make no difference.So

sea trials / tests will continue at the weekend. much as i would love to fish, saturday and Sunday are now booked in for intensive tests and trials. trying all trim settings and driver experience as apart from a fundamental hull design flaw this is all that is left.

I'll pm those who were kind enough to offer their help and offer to come out with me :)

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I've just returned from a long morning on the water testing the boat.

As previously stated I had the steering cable replaced earlier this week. I also spent a chunk of yesterday fitting large accessible trim buttons up near the forward Controls as the manufacture one is quite recessed in the throttle and difficult to get at.

The steering felt good on the trailer but even better in the water. Low speed maneuvering is now a breeze.

As it was so calm and there were not many other boats about I only had to get clear of the main channel before I could start trying different combinations of speed. Trim and steering.

What I have found is that when the motor is trimmed all the way in the bow becomes very heavy. It's very difficult to steer and seems to want to follow it's own path. I've tried this at all speeds and to be honest the faster you go the scarier it is.

I was surprised at how far out I had to trim the engine for the handling to change. But once you hit that sweet spot everything changes. The bow raises just slightly the steering lightens (I wouldn't have been able to feel this before) and she takes off like she's been stung.

The handling is responsive and I had no issues crossing waves at any angle or changing direction.

It seems that even when I have had her on the plane before she was still inclined to sit nose down. I'll probably move the trim stop pin at some point as I can't imagine ever needing it that trimmed in now I have found where she likes to sit.

Thanks to everyone who has offered advice and guidance.

See you out there :)

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with the engine trimmed in you push the nose down into the water

if something is not square or the hull is out of whack it will accentuate the natural need to push left or right

even weight distribution in the boat can make it go one way or the other, or even wind from one side

very rarely is a boat dangerous nose down, unless there's something wrong with the hull or engine setup.

I can trim mine right in and still do 30 knots

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