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Flathead frenzy sydney harbour


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Sunday morning on the harbour, started a bit later than usual expecting the southerly to be a bit fresher than it was. The morning was near perfect. We went for some live bait and put a few out, plus some fish and squid strips, while still filling the bait tank. Saw a few rat kings hassling the bait fish then a strip bait goes off for a decent run, big tail movement, more short runs until ping... 10lb leader bitten through. New hook... same again a little while later but the fish went even harder! Ping again. This time I beefed up the leader to 20lb.

The lives kept getting hassled and we lost a few to good takes but no hook up. It was almost catch a yakka, put it out and get a strike as we were catching the next yakka!

Finally we hook up on bigger gear and it is a decent flathead on a livie! So maybe that was what was biting through the leader on the other rod?

The lighter rod goes off again and its hard short runs, good tail action... the leader holds and we see the big flathead, being followed by a few rat kings. Wow! Only just fitted in the net. About 1 metre! A few pictures and back in the water to breed on!


We kept 4 'standard size' for dinner, dropped a decent one fluffing around with the net and lost 2 big fish to bite offs... plus plenty of takes and misses.


No kings playing but so what when the flatties are in the mood to rumble!

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Wow nice flatty, pity you weren't in the pirtek comp, you may have a had a good chance! Wish I coulda given you my angler number for a pic, would definitely beat my best for the day of 44cm lol

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