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I just want a place where i can catch a fish


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Hi everyone

i live in the Hurtsville region and i have a car + plus jet-skis in which i fish off frequently. I don't mind what species i can get however i wouldnt mind the odd king fish, but just your basics flatty, bream, whiting will do.
Any info on spots in Georges river, botany bay and port hacking, i will travel futher if need be. Also what bait and rigs should i be using, thanks any info is appreciated ! :)


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G'day Jacko, I can't really help with specific spots as such but would offer some encouragement, instead. There's tonnes of "bread and butter" fish in any of the estuaries...so my advice would be to study up on a few target species like bream and flathead. Learn where they hang out and what baits /lures /soft plastics to use and put some time in on the water. Pay attention to tide movement and I'm sure you will start to get results. From there you will just get better and catch them more frequently. Good luck, Big Neil.

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Hi Jacko,

Sounds like you would really like to get into some larger fish if possible. Heres a couple of options.

I can't imagine how I would cope with a decent sized King off a Jetski but there are a few spots you could try that hold good numbers of Kings.

Summertime is best as the higher as they like the higher water temperature...especially the more manageable ones around legal size.

One of my favourites when I lived over that way and didn't have a boat was the deep water just off Lilli Pilli baths. Dozens of people get busted off by mysterious fish here while they are catching yakkas ... thats the kingfish who are hanging around the baitfish looking for a feed. The rock wall at Cooks River in Botany bay has also been a good spot for me using soft plastics. It also holds reasonable numbers of jewfish.

I like live baits of squid and yakkas for kingies but fishing from a Jetski I guess you may be more inclined to use soft plastics. I fish all times of the day but all my best catches are the two hours after dawn.

As for bread and butter species you can drift across the sandy weed areas in front of the Bonnievale spit for good flathead from the top of the tide for 2 or 3 hours. Bream whiting and flathead are in good numbers everywhere in Port Hacking. They respond really well to nippers and bloodworms but prawn baits also work well if you keep the bait moving slowly. Pick the edges of drop-offs from sand banks and you won't go far wrong.

Good Luck

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Join the club! From past experience, it doesn't work by saying "i'm just going fishing" you need to have a target species or at least a method in mind. You can't be all things to all fish. Given where you live and your water craft, I would say concentrate initially on soft plastics for flathead and bream - it will take time and patience but what you learn from that type of fishing will help you enormously when you target the larger species such as kingfish or mulloway for example. No time on the water fishing is ever wasted. It is true that 90% of the fish are caught by 10% of the fishermen and this doesnt' happen by accident.

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Guest Aussie007

try drifting on your jetski around the airport at botany, dangle a 2.5-3.0 squid jig while your fishing we have seen quiet a few squid hanging around the international airport runway but unable to catch them, sometimes the flatties and flounder will be holding in the deeper depth contours other times they'll be in shallower water so u need to do long drifts and a lot of them to cover the ground once u find them they usually stay in those spots for a week or two

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