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Big Fish in Dolan's Bay


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It happened again Raiders,

Went down to Wally's Wharf with a half dozen salted pillies to have a fish between showers. Placed a pillie cube on a long shank 1/0 hook and cast out. Almost immediately, something picks up the bait, Line peels off and the rod bends double when I employ the drag on the baitcaster reel. In four runs, it takes nearly 200 meters of 12lb braid. Seeing the backing coming up, I decided that I'm totally outgunned, so it's best to loose a hook, rather than risk the knot joining braid to backing giving way, so I thumb the spool to lock the drag. Ten seconds worth of head shakes later and the line goes limp. I wind in, retrieving a hookless trace. I can live with that.

Before the fish take the rest of my pillies, I landed a pretty little 20cm red. The rain then moved in, so I packed up and headed for home. Next time, I'm bringing down the a medium/heavy outfit. I won't be spooled again!

Edited by GreyNurse
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Just let it keep running, it might stop :074:

Bought some salted pillies today at the Sylvania Heights tackle shop, and was told that a few days ago, one of the customers was fishing for slimies with bait jigs on 6 pound hand line in South West Arm, when a yellowfin tuna grabbed the slimy and took off. Was a very short fight.

(Reminds me when my fishing mate borrowed my beach rod with Alvey side cast, loaded with 500 yards of 12 pound line. He headed to Wattamolla way, caught a yakka and lobbed it out under a bobby cork, The float went under and the fish headed to N.Z. at a great rate. The fish did not slow down at all, and when the spool was down to the last couple of turns, my mate hung on and the line broke under the float.)

Edited by yowie
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Not a ray. The bait was barely on the bottom when it was picked up. Definite head shakes felt between each run and at the end. It was very fast and strong. I've caught ray before in a tinny at Jervis Bay and been towed. This was very different.

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The headshakes make me think it wasnt a tuna but who knows. Im leaning towards a big king, there has been a few around lately. Was the fish sticking to the surface or did it go down deep?

It stayed down all the way.

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G'day Nursie,

The time will come when you start muttering and mumbling about it to yourself.....one eye flinching.... :074:

Don't want to get to that point so better stay as light as you dare, but I reckon sit in a little tinny and be prepared to follow the bugger.

That way, no spooling.

I fish the bay exclusively and for many years never caught anything to rival my 4kg bream gear....

Until one morning I caught a steam train and I felt definite headshakes.

I up-anchored and followed.

For one hour.

Then I saw a dirty great eagle ray - the bugger never sat on the bottom and sulked. Instead he ran all over the world.

Now I'm not saying your fish was a ray.

I'm saying you'll never find out while unable to chase him - unless you can fool him on heavier line.

It's fun for the first couple of times but after that, the one eye will definately begin to twitch......


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