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Plastics in the Hacking


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Hi guys

I've been reading the forums for a little while now and thought I'd put up a report of my afternoon. I've only gotten really into fishing over this summer so still learning a lot and trying new things all the time.

GI decided to try flicking some plastics along a beach in the Port Hacking this arvo and was pleasantly surprised. After seeing Zman grubs mentioned a lot by other members I bought a pack on the weekend in motor oil and decided to give em a go. Got down to the water about 5pm and after about 15 minutes I was on. With a mainline of 8lb braid and 10lb FC leader I like to have my drag pretty light but this fish wouldn't come near the shore so I had to tighten the drag a little. I haven't experienced that 'dead weight' feel that people always talk about with flatties and this one wasn't an exeption. He went 58cm. My first flatty on plastic and also the first fish I've caught inside on plastics (Which felt like a good achievement for me).


Thinking the first fish was just a fluke I was surprised when I hooked up again about 20 minutes later. A nice 42cm Flathead.


And then just as dusk was falling and I was thinking that this should be the perfect time to hook up another the lure was taken. Reeling it in I found myself catching my first legal Whiting. I was pretty stoked about that. I've fished for them a few times but haven't had any luck and now I had caught one when i least expected it.


Sorry the photo quality is not great I'm having trouble with my phone.

A couple of questions

Are soft plastics effective after nightfall? Or is it a waste of time?

And also I found that the long tail on the grub would get caught on the hook fairly often. Is this normal? I've only used Berkley gulp plastics before and have not found this problem.



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Awesome report mate! Congrats on the fish very well done.

If you scent your plastics up well and get some vibration going they can work at night, just a real bugger to watch the line for bites/when its hit bottom in the dark...

I've found with the zmans if your hook is too far back they snag the tail, or if the plastic sat wrong in the bag and got memory into it

Keep up the good work!

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk

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Welcome to fishraider mate and that is a fantastic first report. There's a lot to learn when it comes to sp fishing but you seem to have a good setup and the idea already.

There is a social on lures on the 4th may you might find interesting.

Well done :)

Cheers scratchie!!!

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Thanks for the replys. I wonder if I should try a smaller hook to try to stop the tail snagging. For now I'll just use what's working and keep checking he tail before each cast.

Scratchie I've been reading as much as possible lately to learn what I can. Also trying different locations and different techniques at varying times. It's been a lot of fun if sometimes a little disappointing. Well worth it in the end.

Good luck kiro with the zmans hope you get some monsters

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Great stuff Waz and congratulations on opening your account on SP inside :thumbup:

Zmans are great plastics and top value too that will last and last provided of course you don't get snagged or bitten off. In fact I've had them last longer than the jig head itself.

If using SPs at night a little ambient light from street lights, bridges etc will make it easier to see your line and detect bites.

Keep up the great work and keep em coming.


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