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Soft Plastics Maniac


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Coming from a pure bait fishing backround i was highly skeptical of this soft plastic craze sweeping the country...

After many fishless trips, reading numerous articles and speaking to as many converts as possible i now have consistant sucess :biggrin2: Finally i can say that these artificials are as potent as the stinky alterantives i used to use. Why would anybody use anything else? No bait gathering time wasted, no smell, don't run out of bait and aggresive strikes are only some of the benefits.

Are there any other converts that would never go back or am i just caught up blindly in this mayhem :1yikes:

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amen to that... talking about the thrill of the unknown we have caught some species on sp's that have defied belief. These include blackfish, letherjackets, sargeant baker and whiting(no so rare).

What species have you taken that is a bit weird :tease:

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i've spent a small fortune on HB's but only a couple have seen active duty. I dunno, i havn't been as successful with them... in fact i've never caught a fish on em at all. I know they work but i need a raider to point me in the right direction. anyone offering. :biggrin2::biggrin2:

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Ive caught a few wierd species on sps i caught a monter pike ell once it was 182 cms and ive caught a big bully mullet buy my favourite captur on sps is when i catch sps that ive lost at my favourite spot my record is 4 in one session and i always piss myself laughing when i do theres nothing better :074:

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Ive been trying out the squidgy rang of sp's in the frostbite and carrot colours for the last 2 weeks or so without any results....i was starting to lose confidence in them until i read this report and now i just want to catch something on an sp.

Do you fish with sp's where you would normally baitfish.....?



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damn straight kevvie, wont go back to bait :thumbdown:

i love the challenge, and its even more rewarding when you get some success too

actually, i lie, the only time i would use bait is for groper and maybe floating around a big jew whole with a livie out.

i have caught some bizzare stuff on sp's too. including numb rays, flute fish and even an eastern frogfish


im currently looking for a bigger sp box or a different sp managment system. i cant walk into a shop and not buy a pack of sp's

hi, my name is matt and im an sp slut :action-smiley-073::1prop::1prop::1prop:

Edited by matt_nsw
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Yes, I must admit that the lure bug has bitten me as well. I use more sp's than hard bodies at present. Just waiting for the :wife: to approve more funding for the tackle department. Hunting flathead and bream on the sandflats is great fun. Haven't managed a whiting yet, but the twitching nipper looks the goods. Given Ken's success with the Eco SX-40's I may have to splash out next time I visit my local money pit.

However, I do still use baits on the odd occassion. Especially the yabby pump for worms, nippers and the humble soldier crab.

Looking forward to getting out on the harbour breakwall to have a crack at the jews on plastic when the water warms up a bit more.



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I started fishing with SP's a few months ago, i bought a graphite rod and a nice smooth spinning reel with fireline and before long i was catching great fish.

I was extremely impressed by the catch rate and it might be me, or do fish fight harder when hooked on SP's ?? Its also much more exciting when the fish strikes, really raises your heartbeat.

I still use bait though, but not as much as i used to.. Im hooked on SP's !!!



( the only other lures i have caught fish on are 5-20 gm metal spinners)


I think fish definately fight harder on lures. Id say it is because they are attacking a prey item and also the fact the fish is only lip kooked and has not engulfed it as it would with bait. This is definatley the case with Flathead, they fight quite well on lures as apposed to bait and are mostly hooked nicely through the mouth.

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I agree with that sentiment Grant. The last few flatties I've hooked up on SP's have given a good account of themselves, one of the smaller one's actually fought more like a bream. I'd go so far as to say that I wouldn't return to using bait for flathead at all, they're too much fun to catch on lures, especially when you feel and/or see a big take on the retrieve. :biggrin2:



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