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Port Douglas holiday - land based spots?


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G'day Raiders,

I'm heading to Port Douglas for a week in the first week of May. I've got a couple of charters booked but I'm taking a small amount of gear and hope to get into some fish land based.

I understand it wont be the best time of year for fishing and I've done a search on Google but I was going to hear if any of you guys had any personal experience with the area. It will be my first time fishing tropical North Queensland.



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Hi mate I was up there last year this time and I just fished off the wharf at the river mouth while I was there. We caught loads and loads of grunted which looked exactly like a small jewfish. I fished at night in the run in tide with pilchards. Fished during the day didn't get one. But if you go at night make sure your we'll away from the edge of the wharf and have lights with you. Good luck

Cheers Ethan

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