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I would like to mention the fads and how they get removed for maintenance , The thing I don't understand is why cant they leave them there all year, I am thinking big concrete block , 316 STAINLEES STEEL CHIAN. The yellow FAD float , Yes this can be changed but the chain can remain all year. Think of all the growth on the chain. One tip I can share is the old fad marks should be kept as the kings love them. The marks are not in the same place all the time its like a reef down there.

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I've been out to the manly hydraulics facility and have seen the wave Ryder bouys out for maintenance. Pretty amazing to see the amount of growth on them not to mention the amount of fishing line too!!

As for why they take them out, I don't know. General maintenance sure but the whole assembly seems funny.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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