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What eel is this and can you eat it?


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Hi guys

I just caught this big eel last night at Narara Creek when put for a session with my pen rod.

What type of eel is this and is it edible?

From looking on the net I thought it might be a short-finned but not too sure...

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I'd call it for a short finned eel. Definitely edible if you're into eel, i don't mind them smoked or deep fried but lot of effort and slime to get to the good stuff :P

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I have eaten eel for as long as I can remember. It has a sweet white flesh when prepared and cooked properly. Mind you all the eels I have eaten come from a fresh water creek on our family farm. The one pictured above is the absolute largest you want to go. At that size and bigger, the muddy flavor comes through the meat and it doesn't taste good at all.

If you are keen to try eel then prepare and cook it the following way;

1: before you start, prepare yourself a work area. To hold the eel when processing it we used a nail hammered in to a wall or fence post about chest height at a 45* angle. once caught and killed (knife straight through the eyes or hit with a hammer, stick etc) grab the eel by the head and slide the head of the nail up through the gill/slit next to its fin so it comes out its mouth. This lets keeps both hands free and the eel will just hang there.

2: with a sharp knife cut right around the body of the eel just below the fin. Only cut the skin and try not to cut into the meat to far. Make sure u have cut right around and it is essentially 'ring barked' it like a tree.

3: grab a pair of pliers and try and take hold of a piece of the skin that you have just cut. This takes a little practice to grab only the skin and not the meat but you will pick it up fairly quickly. Once u have a good grip simply pull down the body of the eel and the skin will peel off like taking a sock off your foot. There will be some resistance and if the meat starts to tear reposition your pliers and go again..

4: once the skin is removed you will be left with a blue shimmering colored firm outer flesh. Simply cut from its anal hole up to its head like you would a fish and pull out all the guts/swim bladder etc. once this is done use your knife to cut the head completely off where you cut round it's body and toss it away.

5: Take the body and give it a quick wash in water (should be pretty clean anyway) lay it on a cutting board and cut it right through into tuna steaks about an inch long each. Put all the eel into a container of water with a dose of salt (usually a couple of table spoons full), and a splash of vinegar. Make sure they are all covered by the water and place in the fridge over night to rest.

6: give the meat a quick rinse off in the morning and place it into boiling water. U don't want to cook it all the way through, only blanch/part cook it. Take it out and dry it with paper towel. Then roll the pieces in some flour and dust of any excess. ( you can flavour the flour if you like with herbs/spices but we never bother) cook the floured pieces in a pan with a little oil until flour has browned and the meat falls off the bone easy and you are done.

7: squeeze of lemon juice over the meat and you are ready for a feast! It is best eaten with your hands as the pieces are small and this allows you to suck the meat off the bones. Enjoy!!

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