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The weirdest technique you have tried...?


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In the mouth of the Robinson River (Gulf of Carpentaria) camping one time with a ball of string and no tackle. Old Aboriginal bloke gave me a couple of rusty fish hooks. I found a 303 bullet shell, scratched it up on a rock to make it shine, wired on the hooks, tied on the string and chucked it out. A couple of retrieves and a MASSIVE barra followed it up to my feet. I gave it a couple of jigs and the barramundi placed his mouth right over the "lure". Bang, I had him on the bank!

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I was fishing land based under a bridge one arvo and I was trying to land my bait right up against the pylons so I had a dummy cast without any bait to see if I had enough weight. I reeled in quickly and a Tailor ate the hook with no bait and I proceeded to catch another 5 the same way!

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I was fishing land based under a bridge one arvo and I was trying to land my bait right up against the pylons so I had a dummy cast without any bait to see if I had enough weight. I reeled in quickly and a Tailor ate the hook with no bait and I proceeded to catch another 5 the same way!

Dave, that happens all the time. You feel a bite, nothing on the line, wind up fast and bang tailor! The colour and movement of the hook are sometimes enough to get their attention!

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I lived in China for a decade and missed fishing greatly until a friend knew someone with a fishing pond and invited us to go one day. We joked about how we'll probably be using rice for bait... Low and behold we arrive at the pond and are handed our poles with tiny hooks attached and a container of boiled rice. We were catching fish after fish, something that resembled boney bream.

Also a couple of years ago fishing at Mornington in Victoria catching flatties every cast on any bait we dropped down, we had some subway sandwiches onboard and caught flatties on every ingredient in the sandwich (lettuce, ham, tomato...)

I've caught a legal bream in the georges river on a piece of plastic straw. I was desperate to fish and had no bait or lures, just a rod a sinker and a hook and a drinking straw. As I was reeling in I got a hit and pulled up a 25cm bream :)

Macca's straws cut into about 5cm lengths run straight down to a hook are actually a great trolling lure for sambos - have caught a lot doing that.

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