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First Bream on SP... Nearly!


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So I've been itching to head out and try my new found skills learnt at the soft plastics day but just haven't had the chance. Then today it was such a beautiful day and work was pretty slow, I managed to get off a few hours early.

I headed home, grabbed my gear and got a bus up to Rose Bay where I'd heard I might have a chance at hooking a flattie or bream. I've never been there before, and it's a bit odd, like there used to be a beach there? Lots of stairs leading down into the water... But I heard along the shore was ok, so I set up and began flicking out. There are pipes leading out into the bay, covered in shellfish, so I guessed they were the structure I should be aiming for. Half an hour of casting and moving about a bit proved fruitless, then I found a spot where I was getting a few small hits from something, but not hooking up.

After awhile more of no action I moved to a jetty, thinking about finding some better structure to cast at. A few cast at some pylons later and I was on! I saw the bream on pretty quickly, but it took some deep dives. All I could think about was how people say they go for cover and try to rub though you line, so when I got it up to the surface I was pleasantly surprised I'd managed to get it in. The water wasn't far down, but I didn't trust my 6lb leader, so I got down low, grabbed the leader in one hand and grabbed the fish in the other. I held him for a second or two as I lifted him up, then he mad a big wriggle and pop, the leader bust and he was back in the ocean.

My first bream got away, and he was a biggy too, I reckon 30-35cm. I was stoked, I never thought I'd get a fish on SP so quickly!

But the saddest part of the story is yet to come. Keen to get my line back in the water, I turned to my bag to get another lure out, only to realise I'd brought the plastics, but not the jig heads! I only had that one lure I'd rigged on the SP day! Gutted, I tied on a squid jig I had instead, but had no luck with that for the next hour so headed home as it was dark.

Needless to say my enthusiasm is now set and I can't wait to get back out there!!

Thanks again to nbdshroom for all the knowledge he passed on the other day, great stuff! :)

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Awesome work mate! Bream on SP is always special! Particularly the first! Love that feeling of getting hit and hooking up. Better than...well. I'll leave it at that :P

Definitely counts as you managed to put your lure in the right spot, work it right, feel the hit, strike, and fight him in! That counts as a true success!

Also If you're ever keen to get out I'm based in the inner west and fish the harbour landbased a bit, I know you're limited to public x port but I'm happy to offer a lift in exchange for some fishing company :)

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk

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Thanks everyone! It is indeed a great feeling.

Andrew, hearing about you heading out and getting those flatties has been driving me to get the line wet. I wished I'd hung around with you after and caught some too!

Cheers Witha, I'd be up for company any time. Always want a chance to learn from others out there.

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Well done Leuke, a fanastic fish and report to boot. You did everything right from tempting and deceiving the fish with your lure, right through to playing the fish, landing it and even getting a physical hold if it. So in my books, that's a good fish and not one that got away! Being a bream too, it gives you great confidence that everything you did was sound.

Thanks for the acknowledgement, it makes me warm and fuzzy inside knowing what I contributed (haha) has helped you and others get stuck into some fish and enjoy lure fishing. It's just good to see and hear about the fun and excitement one gets when they finally crack the code. Congrats again.

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