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The Addiction


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Since moving up from Melbourne almost a year ago, I've been doing more fishing than ever before, with the close proximity to multiple waterways, fantastic weather and the (close to) guarantee of bringing home dinner for the family, I've found myself out at least every two weeks, and when I get permission I've been out in the boat once a week.

I've always been a mad keen fisho, but it seems the more I get out there, the more I want to get out there, it only scratches the itch for a very short time then I want to get back out again. Like, this weekend we have other commitments so I won't be fishing at all and I'm hating the thought of it.

Anyway, just had to get it off my chest, I'm sure there's got to be others out there in my shoes? Fishing is like a good healthy, yet very addictive and no-less-expensive form of drug addiction!

Edited by Linc
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Linc, you are addicted my friend.

"It only scratches your itch for a very short time"

Why do you think I'm called scratchie???

I'm always itching to go fishing!!! Thank god, I get out four or five times a week!

Cheers scratchie!!!

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I have the same itch

I hate when on the weekends I have something else to do and can't go fishing it makes me angry and it makes me think I could be loaded up on a meter kingy right now

I usually just stare at the trees saying there's no wind today it would of been perfect for fishing

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I'm with you buddy!

I have my own business so I have some flexibility.

I like to take Fridays off for fishing (meetings or training I call it...shhhhh) and it usually ends up being a 3 am start and I am not back until the sun goes down.

I work from home on Mondays but if the conditions are right I can't stand looking at the computer screen so I ditch the company accounts and

nick off to harbour in the boat for a fish.

Whenever I can get the kids out I get a weekend trip in too.

Sometimes I feel a little guilty for neglecting my work but that passes a soon as I hit the water!

Sometimes I have to work longer hours to catch up but its all worth it.

Addicted ... hell no.. I call it committed!

Edited by fragmeister
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Sometimes I feel a little guilty for neglecting my work but that passes a soon as I hit the water!

Sometimes I have to work longer hours to catch up but its all worth it.

Yep I know the feeling, have only taken a couple of sicky's to go fishing, the guilt usually does get to me, but it well and truly goes away while on the water... then back to the office to do 2 days work in one day the next day.

I usually just stare at the trees saying there's no wind today it would of been perfect for fishing

Yes that is the worst part!

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I know what you mean. The more you fish the more you need it. I was relatively happy on a monthly charter untill I bought my boat now I can't stand missing a weekend.

I've even become resentful of doing jobs like cutting the lawn as I see this as potential fishing time. It's hard to take a weekend off due to the fear that the weather may be rubbish the following weekend and I can't go.

Love the explanation of your username scratchie.

... Steve

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Exactly the same here! Been having heaps of almost or completely doughnut sessions trying to grab a jew on plastics, but it just makes me go harder! Had terrible conditions today when I thought it would be my fix so now I'm gonna get up and use a few morning hours before uni to have another crack :P

It can be an expensive lifestyle but I always justify it to the girlfriend in the terms that I don't gamble or cheat and she will always know where to find me!

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk

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I rest my bloody case. Two weekends off fishing with beautiful weather doing stuff like gardening. Shopping. Repairs........

Every day looking at the ocean wishing I was there.

Fishing planned for this weekend either with a new friend or solo and look at the forecast. Grrrrrrr.

I won't be beaten by the rain. But gutted the forecast has dealt me one.... Again...

I'll be the wet soggy guy on the hacking.

... Steve

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I'm with you too buddy.

For me it's kind of about rekindling the memories of being a kid on holiday, three generations of my family all going out to fish together almost every evening- the thrill of catching my first tiny cod and pollack from rocks with spinners around the Isle of Skye in Scotland. That one summer treat of paying £10 to go out mackerel fishing on a boat (usually on the Friday night before we went home at the weekend). I sort of gave it up as a teenager and then only really took it back up again at the start of this year, but Oh My God, it's just so... addictive!

And being here in Sydney is just fantastic- so many great places to fish within a reasonably short distance. I'm limited by public transport, yet I've still managed to get to more places here than I ever did as a teenager in the UK. Don't tell her I said this, but it's been great not having the girlfriend around for the last couple of weekends too (she's away in Europe on business). Been able to get up early on my days off, grab the rod and go where ever I want!

I'm actually just sitting here prepping bait and cleaning out my tackle box in time for another outing tomorrow!

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I'm actually just sitting here prepping bait and cleaning out my tackle box in time for another outing tomorrow!

That's half the fun too! I spend a lot more time prepping and planning that I actually do fishing, the Mrs can keep me off the water (to an extent) but she can't keep me away from my gear haha

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