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the peak 31/5/14


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Our plan was to get some livies and squid to head out to the peak. Squid was hard to come by but we ended up with 2 large calamari and a live bait tank of yakkas. Headed out past the heads and boy it was choppy. By now it was about 8. Once at the peak, we jigged and dropped our livies down without a touch before and after the tide change at 10. Didnt look like any other boats were catching anything either. We pulled the plug at 10.30 and headed to the annie miller for a few drifts. Nothing either.

Next plan was to hit up old mans hat and sow and pigs, big fat donut. At least we kept the squid for a feed. Anyone else have any luck on the kingies today?

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Bad luck mate there's always next time

We went to long reef on Saturday and only came up with one kingy around 60 cm, a 45cm bonito and Sargent baker .

But in the harbour we had more luck picking up some nice bream, trevally and a tailor for a feed.

We even got a little rat only like 50cm but still so much fun on light tackle

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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